A vague mashing mix of the ongoing adventures and previous portfolio developments of this elusive yet prolific International Artist,
the Underexaggerated Origins of V
- hot blooded artist
- Forged from Waves, Weather and Adversities ...' An Excessive portfolio,ranging from Architectural projects to Sculpture to Paintings in all mediums, but the real 'accomplishment' is the vivid 'signature' works in watercolour which express all manner of subjects in meditative mandalas that are immediately distinguishable. The level of design and precision makes these immaculate pieces colossal' .....but whatever x www.artsbyvalerio.webs.com Check out facebook Page Which has a link to the online shop /Twitter and all that Jazz always Artby ( Art-By Valerio ) Valerio.... ABV 100% / Artby/ Designby/Tutorialsby/ Innovationsby/Adventureby/Rebellionby/ Art By Valerio ABV100% since 2006 ' well, probably mad as a brush ! but the works rather good ! '
Friday, 26 April 2024
Airing Dirty Laundry ...innum 😁
" 101 Reasons to choose a vocation in the creative industries "
Haggard Just isnt even the word for it .... The Original Arts Hole - above and beyond the call of duty ...." seize the means of production !? Pfffft , I AM THE MEANS OF EFFING PRODUCTION ! "
so i advertise a thing between 16:00 - 20:00 , but kick everyone out that actually found their way down before 18:00 so i can go and have my dinner ...
covered some excellent ground though this week , gonna be a bit contentious next weekend for the bank holiday ...i promise you that !!
whether you are looking for a favour or a fight - come say ' Hi ' x
the Original Arts Hole Vs Boris Johnsons brexit Britain, Plymouth city council, a pack of village idiots and my former mother in law - Stuff This In Your Eligible Funding Criteria 😁
we accept- Gold - Silver - Yachts - Classic cars snd motorcycles - Real Estate ....and even those funny plastic notes they give us to play with ....
The original Arts Hole -" a rose by any other name ...."
Thursday, 25 April 2024
Shadow ban - before it was cool
...Sigh , I can wholeheartedly relate to the distracting thoughts of sunnier shores 🙄
I've accepted your friend request on the Facebook thing , bare in mind that I am often subject to shadow ban - I don't have any if the important stuff taken down as ' false information ' and despite the aggressive accusations that get thrown around ... I have yet to have anyone dare try to offer rebuttal through public discourse
It has to be said though , likes on my content can sometimes render a sort of contact shadow ban it seems - memes are fine , other than the limited audience , but definitely avoid engaging with the strong stuff 😆
It's a silly thing , I noticed it at several junctures ....the Brexit referendum the traffic just went haywire , again during COVID, and now I'm in this weird pitched battle against government and international mining concerns its at it again ....despite the legal complaint regarding ' negative effects on trade and loss of earnings '
I've got a freedom if information request pending with the home office now just to see the extent of the red flag that's been assigned to my online presence ...I don't imagine that'll go anywhere , but it's an interesting piece of circumstance that does hold weight in the other parallel complaints
Ha ha , to be fair , in hindsight ...I think it would have served me better to have stayed a little smaller and flown a little lower , but we are where we are and the compensation claims are meaty enough that I can not worry too much about affecting trade , but I feel I'm in a bit of a privileged position in that regard , I doubt many would have been quite as tenacious as I have been with it all - it's quite the legal limbo that I exist in these days 😆
Well it used to be completely infuriating when I was actually trying to run social media advertising campaigns ...these days a find it quite ratifying , borderline numerous - hence my near aversion to bothering with it
I do often use the timeline as a kind of public record though - and I've still got a couple of volunteers that pump out a few intermittent memes just to keep the profiles active , but I don't put a lot of stock into yielding actual targeted sales or exposure though ... I tentatively kick out a bit of content just to test the periphery of the limitations , but at charged times it's not worth getting irate about ...
Even tik tik now ....I think the American senate has just passed a bill to ' ban ' tik tok though so it will be interesting to hear any observations you have about obvious reduction of certain content in the platform
I've kicked out a few little messages to key individuals about Friday and bank holiday weekend though ...and it seems we might get a bit of footfall for the bank holiday , so that's looking positive regardless of limited post reach 🙂
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Won't somebody say something sensible ...
Unpopular opinion I'm sure :
Personally , I've never felt the need to have my shopping delivered , it's a satisfying endeavour to acquire the goods that one requires by self determined missions 🤔 it also occured to me many years ago that I would consider it an affront to my self worth to be propositioned by some admin in a jobcentre ' would you like to do someone else's shopping for minimum wage ?'
It also occurs to me ....the amount of range rovers that have been acquired by the darlings in the suburbs since all those furlough kick outs have been of huge detriment to both road surfaces and ease of access and egress along these quant country lanes that are surely deserving of preservation in this mad and unbridled age of progress ! The amount of people that would choose to live on the outskirts of the disastrously managed urban areas , only to commute in haste with a phone in one hand and a coffee in the other whilst driving the commute to some basket case administrative position in the imposed mania of the commuter rush , might consider an alternative lifestyle 🤔
I wonder what the protocols were , in days gone by - presumably tractors and bridges managed perfectly well prior to our current age of escalated insanity ....the mind boggles 😆
Live and work in the rural way , or bog off somewhere that would be closer to your point of ' gainful employment ' or the conveniences you vie for at the expense of these now rare oasis's of colloquialism.....
Food for thought 🤔
Saturday, 20 April 2024
Poly Ticks
" have you ever thought of running for public office Mr Valerio ? "
" ive been asked that a few times , no mate , although i do spend a fair bit of time critiziing those that woukd and indeed are - which I do reflect on myself , as being a bit hypocritical - but no , i dont want to proclaim to be in charge of any aspect of what you people are doing - i think this is an age of dangerous mania , fuelled in part by our juvenile relationship with this digital technology in what is now an international community in direct and instant contact with each other , something brand new , coupled with our seemingky progressive and possibly encouraged digital addiction is extraordinarily dangerous , if i was to run for publuc office they would steal my ideas and still stone me to death , fuck these people man ....although having said that i do have a little more faith in humanity than i let on , i just think in our current state , under our current influences , in our current mania , subject to our current myriad manupulations , weve twisted our actual capacity right up , weve fucked up sure and in the process weve fucked ourselves up, but i don't think we are beyond ' redemption ' i think we wre still fundamentally capable of rekindling our sense of humainity , if we were a little less ' governed ' by assholes - youve made some money , youve had a laugh and youve taken the piss now fuck off !! sure , there woukd be fallouts and feuds , little disputes over land , but i think , by abd large people would strive to maintain a kind of peace , marauding gangs , i just don't see it , the only people that do that these days are the fuckin politicians and thier careerist little bitch sicophants "
For fuck sake !!
apparently its 4:20 - i dint think snyone really understands where the smoking connotation originated from , but the world over has adopted this anericanized holiday for pot heads ...
i know i go on about this stuff alot , but with goid reason ....
so this fucking nudge outfit in Stonehouse in plymouth - this rank corporation funded , property development drive to recoup and reinvigorate investment into this part of town that the council has forgotten about for the last 20 years - but now theres corporate backing , and there is funding to be had - ( if you look at my recent post about economics - this is how this whole crack head batch of degenerate horse shit will slowly evolve into the social credit score for the inhabitants of the dubious 15 minute city they are trying so desperately to trap you in - funding for the well behaved boys and girls - the busy bodies - the prefects of this indoctrination program )
the Valerio Institute of Alternative Learning - setting precendents for a bunch of wankers to bastardize with their own distinct lack of originality....despite all the flack and smokescreen politics ....is still a thing - but a slightly more independent venture than all of this weird kiss ass culture of sucking up and sicophantry ! which i guess is why nudge will be hosting the eden project - for fuck sake !!
now the original Arts Hole - were aligned to collaborate with eden over a decade ago - when the valerio institute of alternative learning were actually doing something other than asking for dot guvs permission to do things !!
the shitty old warehouse we turned into a bespoke arts and community engagement facility at the time was being assualted by the ridiculous adminz ... was , among other things - demonstrating my own reruraluzation design and conversion principles regarding production and self reliance as well as clever designs that intergrated the very radical concept at the time of utilizing urban areas for things beyond the zoning allocations as permitted by those same ridiculous adminz ... and part of that collaborative edged project was to demonstrate the capacity for otherwise disused urban areas to be used as produce rendering opportunity - as part of those original discussions with Tim Smit at the time - i would trade a dinosaur day down at eden project in exchange for some tropical varietals of food producing flora that we would then intergrate into the demonstration of the urban farm aspect of the original design -
dear nudge you fuckin pathetic bunch of crowd pandering old dogs - mindful artness or whatever the fuck you call yourselves - thats a red faced alcoholic old slapoer if ever i saw one
now , dont get me wrong - we at the valerio institute of alternative learning are perfectly busy with plenty of things - from conservation concerns - to human habitation and urban development issues - farming and agricultural policy formation and even ecological mining concerns - across various countries ...especially this little spit of land in the arsehole corner of boris johnsons brexit britain ...
so when i catch wind of the rumour that - plymouth city council and its masquerade of community concern , keep trying to rip off , pretty much anything i have ever done with this corporate dot guv horseshit - it irks me a little ,
cant any of you fuckin people come up with anything on your own - or should i just formailize the arts hole legal department into an official law firm and spend the next ten years suing the absolute shit out of your lack of originality - are yiu that determined to piss me off that i have to take time away from my many ulterior interests to actually fuck you people up ??
how about , if you are going to get into this level of blatant plaigerism - you , at the very least request my begruded input - i would rather offer insight and suggestion than just have your band of halfwits fuck up what was originally a good idea ....
ill be back in your retarded little back water on the 27th of this month - and in retaliation to your guff , ill host a little thing down at the studio in the almer yard - quite frankly i dont even want any of you simpletons to waste my time with your partially formed queries
but quite frankly , you have made it abundantly clear , that if you are just left to your own devices and egos , you just fuck shit up ....so you should probably pop along !!
what a fuckin bunch - you almost encourage me to increase my scale of disdain for this pathetic and dangerous herd animal and side with the wef to just thin the fuckin crowd of you useless fuckin eaters , self promoters , wankers , morons mooks and moochers ....
Friday, 19 April 2024
Economics 101
out of the brick a brac in the image below - can snyone guess whats worth the least ?
in the last 100 years , something strange has transpired !
here , where i currently sit , in the uk ( this principle does differ slightly from country to country - i just found a silver dutch guilder from the 1940's- so presumably, what i am aiming to demonstrate here took hold a little later on the continent, but its rife the world over now ) but , here in the u.k , in 1920 all of our currency was made of pure copper ( pennies and thrupence), pure silver - ( sixpences , shillings , half crowns ) or pieces of printed paper that stood to represent vaulted gold ( those big white victorian fivers you may have seen ) but basically - the wealth if the nation was minted into coinage and we used to carry it around with us to maintain an economy through a metered exchange of precious metals for goods and services ....does that make sense so far ??
then in the early twentieth century , due to wars and woes , and shortages of metals , the purity of the coinage droped to about 50% !! and between 1920 and around 1960 that became the standard accepted means of trade ! i think - im talikng roughly here - around the late 1970s we came off the gold standard - south africa seceded from the commonwealth and our currency started to be made out of the nikel and chromium and paper promissory notes!! the basic fiat model that we use today - subject to yearly inflation ( that means the value of the currency goes down every year - requiring more labour to earn less value as time goes on ....still with me ??
so since 1920 , up till now 2024 ( lets round it up to 2020 - and what a year thar was ) so over 100 years - the wealth of the nation was swapped from precious metal to scrap metal - the value of our labour has indeed gone down - house prices - fuel prices - liqueur - wheat - all basic goods and services have all gone up in price but the value of labour cant match inflation because it is in essence a debt based economy - so we wager the value of potential de nobt for an individual over the course of a lifetime - instead of the actual value of productive labour as yelded per annum by that same individual ....still keeping up ??
now gold - Gold has retained its value as a commodity for well over a thousand years ( based on desirability and scarcity ) Silver , Silver has been trading sideways ever since the 1920s , other than the occasional glut in the market or shortstop and mass stock dumps that have deliberately effected the inflationary match rate compared with gold over the years !!
still keeping up ??
so now , as we pay £5 for an alcoholic beverage , quarter of a million pounds for a basic domucile , with these plastic notes and nickel coins that they give us peasants to play with ... where did all of our gold and silver go ? and what do you think the trend will be if we now go one better and have a pretend currency in an artificial digital reality ??
we used to carry gold and silver with which we could buy timber , bricks , foodstuffs and transport - now we are using plastic money - to buy plastic goods ie trainers and mobile phones 😆 now remember i mentioned that gold has held its value for a thousand years ....what do you reckon your trainers will be worth in a thousand years ? your mobile ?? your cheap ass taylor whimpey house ?? your netflix subscription ??
now consider the price of an ounze of pure silver ( about £30 - £1 a gram as a spot price ) and consider the price of gold on the gram being roughly equivical to an ounze of silver ....
now consider the price of a mcdonalds ? a can of coke ? a bag of weed or a gram of cocaine ??
you have all been completely sucker punched into trying to outdo each other for plastic money to procure platic tat that will deliberatly vanish before your very eyes - the trend , youll need more and more plastic money to secure the things you have become accustomed to !!
so you can stuff this digital economy and its bit coin indoctrination method right in your ass you mentally ill fuckin halfwits and fuck right off 😆
plastic monopoly money to buy a load of old crap without accumulating any real tangible wealth 🤑
....fucking willful peasants x
Fuckin hipsters and their misguided ' good intentions '
Good Evening Poppy ,
Thank you for your last message , I admit ...im a little taken off guard , that was a brilliantly articulated and concise series of points you make , which is in itself unusual for this particular platform
Ok , so I'll offer genuine heartfelt apology for the barbed nature of my comment and message , despite the earthy nature of my rapport the points I do feel compelled to kick out into this weird internet ether are based in an original grounded thought , despite the salty nature added by the tumult of arduous days ...
It crosses my mind often enough that we as a population are split between a series of bizarrely disparate ' communities ' and what with the economic situation as it stands I can't tell you how many little cliques I encounter across numerous constituencies both here at home and further afield have come to represent a tribal barbarism that has only been escalated since the Brexit referendum , any particular time historian will be able to attest that this is both an alarming and an exciting time for many of these echoe chamber demographics that are so insulated by these digital platforms - hence why i insist on throwing a little critical ' grit ' into the mix of these usually biased little groups
Our city as you so eloquently put it - is one of the most corrupted pieces of shit in this entire country at the moment ( I can attest to that through legal actions against quite a few of these virtue signalling council backed oddities - as there would be no nudge - if it wasn't for my own efforts during the occupy campaign - there would be no leadworks , had I not squatted the RAOB on north hill at quite a pertinent time and Shekinah and a few of the homelessness provisions would not be under scrutiny by the charities commission - and various MPs would not be resigning for fear of oversight committee involvement in some of the escalated complaints I've had to raise against individuals and parties concerning conduct during the COVID lockdowns ...
So it's not that I am anti art at all - but I do baulk at the poser style nature and the sensationalist send up of some of this now endorsed mediocrity and these strange collaborations between art groups , council and curious choices of council affiliated through friends and family venues that are making such flagrant attempted to render some sort of scene in this economically and morally bankrupt city as it only serves to bolster some of the nefarious individuals and organizations that I haven't been able to get a direct shit at and the coalescing of this saccharine ' culture ' does often make me raise an eyebrow at the very least in most instances
I would applaud your enthusiasm of course , but might I suggest we render a ' scene ' that isn't ensconced in this dead wood , let the city die - we aren't Bristol , we aren't Camden and I assure you we aren't Berlin , Prague or Amsterdam - and we never were , this is a polluted little backwater of a place and the whole time that these little initiatives are so desperately vying for exposure , funding , and networking options it can and dies tend to muddy the water for the activities of individuals such as myself who are actually doing things of genuine merit in retaliation to the state of the place
These murals and cliques only serve the utterly bent interests that are so heavily invested in the very dubious status quo
Saturday, 13 April 2024
And it's still fookin weird ere
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Opposing New Tin Mine Proposal at Historic Wheal Vor
Feb 6, 2023 | News
The following text was produced by the Great Wheal Vor Community and Environment Group:
The Wheal Vor mining district lies in an area of Devonian Slate between two granite masses at Tregonning/Godolphin hills and Carnmanellis. This mining area, historically known as Great Wheal Vor (GWV) is a compact area of approx 10.5 km by 6.5 km and is thought to have been mined for tin for the past 1000 years.
Fig 1. Basic geology of the Great Wheal Vor district.
The proposal is to locate a new underground tin mine effectively beneath the hamlets of Carleen and Trew in the parish of Breage located in the west of Cornwall. The mining company known as Cornish Tin Ltd (CTL) have completed an initial exploratory phase of drilling bore holes under a General Permitted Development Order from Cornwall Council. They are expected to apply for two further phases of bore hole drilling.
The GWVCEG strongly oppose further development of this site by CTL.
There were two periods of intensive tin mining in this small historic mining area between 1810 -1848 and 1860 -1874 which were world leading ventures at the time, with over 50 sites excavating down from 3 meters to 540 meters. Thus the area is honeycombed with abandoned shafts and adits, some mapped, some unmapped.
Fig 2. Map of the recorded workings of Great Wheal Vor – 1847 (based on MRO R137)
Fig 3. Plan of the shafts, workings and lodes at Wheal Metal. – 1870s
(based on MRO R137 and 175 and the 1878 O.S. map)
The above maps show the complexity of known shafts, lodes and adits in the period between 1840 and 1875
Fig4.Cross section of the eastern workings of Great Wheal Vor (based on MRO R137)
The UK’S unique manorial system dating from the 11th century separates the ownership of minerals underground from that of the ownership of the land above ground.
Traditionally in Cornwall the owners of the various manors became de facto owners of the underground minerals.
Fig 5 below
Carleen and Trew existed within the Manor of Treworlis and formed the area encompassing the Great Wheal Vor mine. (See the various local manors in Fig 5 above.)
In 1921 the properties and land within the Manor were put up for sale by the Trelawney estate. Sales contained the caveat that all minerals and rights of access were still in the ownership of the Manor.
Since the closure of mines from 1860 onwards, the area has developed into a quiet residential community with minimal commercial presence. It is unlikely that any of the current owners of property and land would have expected the resumption of mining to become a possibility.
Many sites in the area have been sterilised by the presence of toxic mine tailings and it has only been in the last 25 years that there has been a gradual re-wilding of the landscape.
Many subsidence events have occurred during the last 75 years despite a number of mines being capped in the interests of Health and Safety”.
Mine leaching into both north and south running streams continues to pollute the waters with tests showing unacceptable levels of nickel, cadmium and mercury.
Flooding, particularly from mines in slate bordering onto granite, has caused many problems in the history of Great Wheal Vor. The period of disuse will have made Cornish Tin’s project expensive and ecologically dangerous. The reputed cost of water removal and filtration from the nearby South Crofty tin mine project is estimated to be in excess of £18 million.
The Great Wheal Vor Community and Environment Group believe that for the reasons detailed above, the Cornish Tin project is unnecessary, impractical and environmentally unacceptable to our community.
The IRENA World Energy Transition Outlook Report 2022 is clear that the list of critical metalliferous metals highlighted including the group Rare Earth Elements (REE)’s does not include tin.
The British Geological Society’s report of 2021 whose projections did by highly dubious calculations consider the metal as a critical one. However, in the same report, it estimates that recycled tin made a 31% contribution to total production. It noted that production in the UK ranked nil – with no figures available.
South Crofty Mine, now in the later stages of development, with a legacy of existing mine infrastructure has claimed that by 2026 they will be able to provide enough tin to satisfy UK demand.
The market growth indices in the British Geological Report take no account of the substitutional effect (for example, through nano technology in solders), changes to vehicle Total Industry Volumes (TIV), alternative power sources or cultural changes in transportation.
The apparent stalling of the UK’s new battery venture should spur industry and environmentalists into placing greater emphasis on high level recycling.
We believe the project poses a high risk of failure due to cost escalation – for the following reasons.
1. It is new in the UK to undertake underground mining beneath an established community setting where the historic mining landscape is known to be unstable.
2. Exceptional cost of filtration due to water levels and high pollution.
3. Cornish Tin have pledged that the project will be ‘green’ in all aspects. This inevitably impacts the cost/availability of plant and the use of ‘green’ stabilising slurry if they are to avoid the charge of ‘greenwashing’.
4. Increasing demands from planners and community for realistic long term financial bonds from miners to indemnify against insolvency, for site landscaping and toxic leaching, etc.
5. New developments in technologies impacting on tin pricing.
6 Imminent launch of Government pension !dashboard!”giving more intelligence to pension savers pursuing ethical investments
Affected communities and planners will demand proof of the following environmental measures: Air pollution, Noise pollution, Light pollution, Transportation, Structural disturbance, Protection of Fauna and Flora, Vibration and, most importantly, water quality and flood prevention.
Our community will closely monitor CTL communications to the public as communication thus far has been lamentable.
For example, CTL has said to the media from the very start of the project, that there has not been any meaningful objections to its plan. We disagree – see below
Andrew Brown. January 2023
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Tuesday, 9 April 2024
Ore ! Huh ! What is it Good for???
loads of bloody stuff actually - the raw material of most things has to come from somewhere right ? ....
quite a lot of it , you might be surprised to know , comes out of the ground -be that from the topsoil that we so feverishly turn into carparks these days, before it was vehicle storage yiu used to be able to get raw materials out of it , you can grow wheat or timber or watermelons....
under the topsoil, layers upon layers of strata , some of it really hard , ideal for construction, other bits more malable and pliant can be used to make ceramics , some of it even contains precious metals, gemstones and fine jewels ...
the Original Arts Hole - Strata to Strada x
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open unless closed ... depending on which country I am in x
Pause for a Thought
The Valerio institute for Alternative Learning since 2011
Taking Stock
St Ives
So What do you do for a living ?
Running at full production Art Galleries ,Museums,Universities,Zoo's ....
Tiny Artby
![Tiny Artby](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjcF9KMRM8ban75BKXOfZhVDb0uFzOFuPb3lXAI6Uxda5bt1cFiy7TvVeJniDi9OZdtayNVrncPl_2fAJo2PfbcF-fy8F-lIrnXAl3B1aK0mP3Z3oqycrri6kgLDhDMqCnqH680QVwF7ps/s1600/young+artby+%25282%2529.jpg)
So ...How long have you been doing this ?
The Daily Grind
Many people I speak to assume that being an Artist is all very nice .... generally because great aunt murial paints and she is always going off on little artists retreats and whatnot! or its the stark opposite , people think that you have to live in squalor and be stark raving mad! truth is there are components of both in my existence x
101 Reasons to Choose a Vocation in the Creative Industries
A series of Autobiographical Cartoons : In - Steadman x