What on Earth happened to good old common sense in this country ?
I for one cannot see the logic behind everyones presently frantic sense of unbridled 'ambition'at the moment!
There are of course some assurances that this has been allot of fun for allot of people, but it has also created allot of misery for allot people; but I think that the overall consensus for decades now has been, that along current lines of predicted trajectory this is an unsustainable system!
Why is it we are tolerating 'leaders' ( that is individuals and parties of ill repute and proven uselessness) that continue to press forward with the illusion of improving this now outdated notion of progress....what about maintenance?
It is maddening to me that even on a local level no consideration seems to being given to sensible priority?
There is a place on the fringes of Dartmoor national park ( actually it was one of the places used as a base for Spielbergs ' War Horse ' ) where several years ago a beautiful bespoke ...albeit modern arts facility was erected as a new build at the cost of several million pounds, a wonderful addition to the cultural eminence of such a beautiful place ....already it has closed down ' as a victim of the recession'.
Yet within plymouth city centre not 10 miles away . Because of the ridiculousness of this years distractions from more important social concerns ( additional point of note beyond the regional interest im writing about now ) They have just finished a 50 million pound leisure facility they have housed in a big yellow box next to those mangled spiders legs of a football stadium.
In Millendreath just along the coast from Looe there is a plan to spend 50 million on a brand new holiday home scheme and just on the fringe of the same town hundereds of new affordable homes have popped up over the surrounding hills. In Plymouth the scale of new housing is astounding almost feverishly covering every open piece of green or undeveloped land is turned into social experiments to gauge the minimum requirements for human habitation ( no concern going to optimum). Almost culminating in the commitment to build plymouths own little homage to londons ' Shard' at the former site of the ' Occupy ' plymouths camp!!
In tavistock they are now going to make The Wharf ( again a purpose renovated facility at high expense only several years ago) Into the focus for yet additional capitol, to encourage it to become a leading arts and music facility!
Here at the Valerio Institute of Alternative Learning we have accomplished the very same thing as they have set out to ; only we have managed it in one year with no funding , little money, and no staff!
There is a plan in progress at the moment to build homes, brand new homes with cheap labour and cheaper materials so that the ignorant might lay claim to being a part of that estate agents lie coined from the days of thatcher .....the property ladder!
Only so city to city the socially / financially elite can house themselves in great big glass and steel observation decks, where with detachment and disinterest, they can watch humanity suffer ... not simply from the human condition that plagues all souls ...but from an imposed hierarchy breeding constant contempt and even disgust for our fellow sufferer!
As it is there are thousands of square feet of unused , unaffordable , ill repaired commercial and residential properties all across the city and surrounding regions.
Our agriculture is under threat with farms and small holdings foreclosing due to the imposed demands set out by those distant untraceable cowards at the end of the 24 hour helplines and customer support.
Homes being repossessed, Industry closing , Infa-structure being sold off to commercial concern!
In a time when our economy is not set to improve for some time due to the crimes of peers that have been tolerated for too long . We have an entire generation of thirty something year olds living at home with their parents or hiding from their social responsibilities in a pointless education system or worse off travelling a rudderless uncommitted swathe of youth just mooching about standing on the fringe of humanities latest destruction before shuffling off to discuss how thoroughly unimpressed they were by it!
Here at home Money continues to be stripped from Education, National health care , Law and Order , and home defence!
How about we take just ten million from your next intended waste of money and life you will insist on hanging in the middle of my favourite view. And you start a training initiative, A national, regional, local, government set initiative to train individuals that are being thoroughly screwed by this current dis-functioning poor performance .
You give those individuals ...all of the empty commercial, residential , agricultural space on a contractual rent / rates free arrangement for a set time, to act as trainee maintenance and repair contractors. Then with a structured educational programme offer them basic progress courses in practicalities! construction , manufacture , raw industry , and yes even agriculture!
There ive just solved for free what no administrator or banker could despite all there resources and entitlement to holiday!
Thats the way you would solve the housing crisis ....vacant property and prosperity, region to region, the employment crisis not to mention the sense of self satisfactions that will dispel depressions, reduce recessions and get a generation that needs it some much needed exercise, and ideally begin to spark in them a sense of interest , and pride for their region and eventually their nation!
Want to no more, well ill not give it away for free! lets get on with this for a bit build up a bit of national wealth and then you might be ready for my idea!
The Valerio Institute for Alternative learning is now open to the public and fellow artisans Every Saturday and Sunday!
Drop by and say hello! because human interaction is key to the initiation of a required change!