A vague mashing mix of the ongoing adventures and previous portfolio developments of this elusive yet prolific International Artist,
the Underexaggerated Origins of V
- hot blooded artist
- Forged from Waves, Weather and Adversities ...' An Excessive portfolio,ranging from Architectural projects to Sculpture to Paintings in all mediums, but the real 'accomplishment' is the vivid 'signature' works in watercolour which express all manner of subjects in meditative mandalas that are immediately distinguishable. The level of design and precision makes these immaculate pieces colossal' .....but whatever x www.artsbyvalerio.webs.com Check out facebook Page Which has a link to the online shop /Twitter and all that Jazz always Artby ( Art-By Valerio ) Valerio.... ABV 100% / Artby/ Designby/Tutorialsby/ Innovationsby/Adventureby/Rebellionby/ Art By Valerio ABV100% since 2006 ' well, probably mad as a brush ! but the works rather good ! '
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Every one's an asshole and you can all fuck off
Wednesday, 13 December 2023
Eat - work - Art , in muddy water ?!
Monday, 11 December 2023
The Funny Farm 2024
Sunday, 10 December 2023
Friday, 8 December 2023
The Arts Hole - Funny Farm
Thursday, 7 December 2023
Am I a ' known ' Artist 🤔
Monday, 4 December 2023
Did you see the headlines
Sunday, 3 December 2023
The Stakes of the game
Witches on meds
Monday, 20 November 2023
101 Minerals ....
Saturday, 18 November 2023
Tiny Wooden Box
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
ILL - Iterate
Saturday, 11 November 2023
" shhhh , whose country are we in ....? "
Friday, 27 October 2023
Eyes Down For a full house
Saturday, 21 October 2023
The Arts Hole - Let's AV It -2023
Thursday, 19 October 2023
Blog post Dated (. )
The Arts hole - protest pop up initiative blog post originally dated
I was having a little look at my ' online content ' the other day and decided to have a go at centralising all of the many extraneous elements of my ongoing portfolio into a kind of easily identifiable ' brand ' of sorts !.... I was evaluating and compiling the portfolio additions and sequenced releases for the year and was trying to comple it all down into a kind of ' catalogue ' that will be officially released in galleries and distributors later this year during annual trading commute of my home counties and further afield which has come to be known as ' the arts hole on tour ' and which this year will feature ' the wits end ' project 2019
I was thinking of changing the name of my facebook page ( quite honestly I don't spend a great deal of time with any of that stuff … other than coming on here for these little unbridled '' diary entries '' when I don't have a sketch book to hand ) I was thinking of changing the name of the page to '' the Arts Hole '' which is the overall trading front of all of the various '' artby / designby / adventureby Valerio'' elements, when and wherever I do a pop up exhibition … but face book didn't like the idea of that … they were worried that the tens of thousands of people that I have engaged with all over the world on the basis of ' art ' wouldn't be able to identify the ' brand change ' …. hhhmm ok whatever you bunch of petty admin mooks , I am ( as is often the case ) in the middle of extremely vexing endeavours … and don't have the time for such petty administrative distractions at the moment ( yet you get away with calling a valid vocation )
so on to hash tags I thought I would re check the validity of the #ABV101.... perfect !!! anyone that likes liquer can relate to that one x
but what about hashtag The Arts Hole???
well , well , well ….. there is already an arts hole !! whats this !! there is a group artists in Australia that have been calling themselves ' The Arts Hole ' since 2011!! the exact same year that my little protest enterprise went nuclear against the pitted administrations and so called government of the U.K !! the very same year my blog featuring the arts hole logo went live !! …. of course way back then in the middle of a recession in what I now refer to as the arse hole corner of Brexit Britain , exposure was limited to say the least ( I think that when I first put the blog out I would get maybe 50 hits a month … these days I get a happy little average of 7000 hits a month )… and still wont endorse any of the pansy ass crap companies that offer revenue to dilute my ' brand integrity 'I have never paid for a follow or a like and I have never paid to be a 'suggested' or ' featured' post .. I don't do or endorse prints because I thin that the mania of the population is driven towards the consumption of aesthetic product ...over environmental function !...so my online engagement really does remain limited , as does my exposure ….and yet I have it seems been plagiarised more often than the star wars universe !!!
obviously ' Art By Valerio ' as well as being the official ' company name ' is the very nature of what I do …and the great little hashtag that naturally fits '' ABV101 '' is perfect but it does seem very ' self orientated ' and obviously falls off into various categories these days - design by Valerio - architecture by Valerio and the 'green star house' - signature paintings - illustrations by Valerio ,Cornish buddies and 101 reasons to choose a vocation in the creative industries -murals by Valerio and '' the genes on the buds go round and round ''- rebellion by Valerio,its a rather ongoing series of ongoing series of works really ….
but although it does all end with the common denominator of my own personal signature and can indeed fall under the umbrella term of contextual ' art ' …. but it doesn't make for very easy 'branding' !!
The Arts Hole - well the arts Hole was a simple little logo I devised using a Japanese principle, a indication of the Cornish flag and a drop of cerulean blue - the original logo motif was used with several parallel texts for successive releases - originally the circular design contained the simple text '' original artworks by Valerio ' but it was developed over a summer to include the arts hole element as a kind of tongue in cheek reference to my ' outwardly brusque ' nature toward anything heralding the benefits of ' convention ' at the time.
the expressly and fiercley unbranded ' brand ' was a perfect identification point for the transient nature the ' business model ' was to take over the next few years...as well as an inherent mockery of the scale that ' branding ' had taken to shifting poisons and political creeps into our homes and spheres of influence
Now as any one following these bizarre series of writings / works / reflections will know …
( see: 101 Reasons to Choose a vocation in the creative Industries )
Resorting to the arts was a contingency of a contingency of a contingency for me …. I needed a way of assuming more control over my time / labour / income / outgoings - the only valid means of protest left was assuming a state of poverty - reducing my eligibility to finance the sate ( and what a state it was, even then ) - and basically live within a very modest means from a very humble trade in a very tired part of the country during one of the worst economic downturns in the history of , certainly the region ...and quite probably the country !
and so across several summers of car boot sales and local produce fairs, jugging interim jobs in various roles in my ' spare time ' …..''Art by Valerio -The Arts Hole ''was Born
the original signage has held up very well to the test of time … and of course under international copyright law - the original painting / the graphic representation / and copyrights are all retained by me for at least 100 years ( which is why I always create all of my own signages and promotion materials - as well as it keeping very nicely in line with the express theme of ABV101 )
after several successful summers on the carboot / trade fair / festival circuit … I decided that a longer standing premises might be a worthwhile investment …..
…. this was as the credit crunch was burgeoning into the recession ( ..which became the depression that cornwall and devon have yet to see improve to this day ) so there was no way my half assed trade and part time job options in a rural economy could sustain an extortionate over inflated rent - especially considering the state of the rental options that were available -honestly offers in the region off / development opportunity , were all still the estate agent mantras of the time
so I think I invented ' the POP UP ' at this stage - I basically negotiated the free ( later commission based ) use of an empty restaurant space in my home town and set to kicking out as much art as I could over the summer to an ailing tourist demographic…. and so ' The Arts Hole POP UP INITIATIVE was born
of course anyone familiar with the story will know that a few summers trade in the same place has always attracted would be enemies ...inlaws / councilers / politicians / mayors / governments in genral/ corporate stooges / property developers / agency representatives / advertising salesmen/ insurance salesmen / imitators / emulators /infiltrators…. percentage people of all kinds … all trying for and vying for a little increment in their income off the back of my original idea....as I said I have been imitated and plagiarised , hounded and fined for my basic little existence
ever since that humble little enterprise you wouldn't believe the tumult that has ensued, quite honestly I think that it lends some validity to some of the crack pot tin foil hat brigade … when all I am aiming to do really … the ' business manifesto ' if you like is simply '' to live humbly - grow a little bit of veg and occupy my time with the things that interest me '' … and seeing as the things that interest me seem to be of not only of economic value and pertinence …. but also aesthetic intrigue executed it would seem with suitable proficiency as to actually render trade!!!
ahhh but we live in the age of Donald Trump … the age of the charlatan and of celebrated mediocrity , where outsourcing all personal incompetence on credit is the height of ambition …. amid the plague of the percentage people …. so although I do agree with an idea that I have recently read '' you can either get better , or you can get bitter '' … I do honestly think that there is room for both in this modern age of the charlatan !!
the original point … the original purpose of this little epistle …. was simply a reflection of my current ' brand status ' and look where we are now …..
Foaming Brexit Fever from the Raving Brexit Refugee ….
Blog post dated (. )
Monday fucking morning , the natural habitat for bankers, politicians , estate agents , percentage people and busy bodies of all kind !!!
Fuck These People !! all day long with the open end of a rusty rake !!!
so I rented a piece of shit property from some delusional imperialist weirdos , and as always I open my home and humble studio to the public , this serves several age old purposes
1. I GET TO LIVE AND WORK PEACABLY IN AN ENVIRONMENT I HAVE TAILORED TO SUIT ME ! in doing so , I am off the streets and not rousing rebellion in any obvious or dangerous sense ! it also renders product from time … this in case the Margaret thatcher degree in commerce through agency has brainwashed you completely is the origin of all economies , a producer or practitioner takes a raw material and renders from it a product or service !! this then has commercial viability from which all other markets spring !! its the original human endeavour !!
2. through the public presentation and engagement of said product or service , audiences can be met and engaged with , topical issues brought to discussion , and resolves manifested !!
and yet in just doing what I humbly choose to do in this maddening age of the charlatan , I am often indisposed by the most rudimentary arrogances and suppositions of self importance ! indeed the organizations institutions and individuals that are supposed to encourage and incentivise enterprise and innovation , have simply become some grotesque parasitic tick ! draining the very life blood out of the things they were set up to protect !
so I rented this thing , so I could live and work in a place ( reluctantly I might add ) where previous experiences of admin ineptitude have left a great deal to be desired ! from a collective of peculiarities and women institute type importance ! I fix up the building ( doomed anyway to some half baked planning application for yet more student accommodation that will be surplus to requirement ) fill it with art … put out a little cardboard signage for the sake of the city wide open studio events !
and lo and behold !! you cant put that there , … you cant do that , … that's not allowed …. its against the rules !!
trust me , my experiments over the past 15 years with the applicable value of the rules … and the dubious character of the individuals that would nepatistically uphold them ! has left me more than proficiently versed in the terms of conduct for my particular trade … even in administrations as obviously retarded as the ones we tend to tolerate here in this country at the moment !
so they stole my signs !! the RAOB actually went to the trouble to try to insist upon me of all people !! what the formal procedure should be!
this as anyone familiar with my particular code of conduct can imagine ….did not go so well …
and after an exaggerated tirade there and then denouncing the validity of such petty quasi little organizations I conceded to consider the formal procedure !
and this here would be the written response to the ' committee ' for appraisal …. they wanted a proposal in writing for consideration , but I figure putting this here as a matter of public record is good enough !
FAO committee memebers of the RAOB North Hill Plymouth September 10th 2018
Firstly in the interest of decorum I would offer apology for being so abrupt yesterday in dealing with your chairman and associate on the premises in the evening of Sunday 11th September 2018 , however there is some inevitability in reaction when the individual is drawn unessicarily into confrontation versus a collective during what should otherwise be a more gainful pursuit even on a sunday evening !
once again its first thing on a Monday morning and I , instead of engaging in bespoke productions , completing elements of commissioned trade to be conducted in whats left of this sterile economy ! I am having to allocate my valuable time ( billable at about £ 2500 per week ) conceding to write my completely defensible position out for yet another ethereal council !!
over the past 15 years I seem to have managed to turn a valid political protest into a commercially viable vocation , despite recessions / elections / credit crunches / austerity and even Brexit !!
and this is in part why I cannot simply comply and adhere to imposed strictures or ' standard procedure '. As all ' standard procedure ' have seemingly become so mired in bureaucratic procedure to have rendered functionality questionable at best ! and I would just like to highlight this incident as a fine example of just that !
It is hard enough to drum up any semblance of sensible and consistent trade in this economically emaciated corner of Brexit Britain !, and yet despite many appealing offers for alternative opportunities this is where, for myriad reasons I have chosen to site myself for the temporary time being ! and it would be all the more tolerable given the opportunity to simply live and work away in peace ! …. but this is Plymouth After all !!
I will openly state that it is always my preference , when and where possible, to maintain as amiable a disposition as circumstance will allow !
so in the interest of good diplomacy , and utter transparency I will offer these points for your consideration in lieu of your ' insistence for proposal ' ( both of which demand the same level of concentration and application …. however you just managed to get my back up here about this )
Introductions :
the names stated on the tenancy agreement - ie the individuals co habiting the uppermost floor of the premises in question: 41 north hill Plymouth
a standard tenants agreement has been formulated agreed to and signed through appointed representative ( nova homes )
tenant 1 of European origin but legal resident and full time employee for over ten years !
tenant 2 ( me ) international artist and designer of considerable repute concerning subjects beyond the areas of assumed expertise !
Agency :
I personally detest this countries reliance on outsourced agency and the inherent cowardice that can be found through such squirrely mediations !!
should you take exception or offense to an issue or have a point to be raised ! come and talk to us about it ! and we can rely on agency mediation in the event that interparty negotiation should break down or fail !
it is a sad shame that dealing with people face to face has become such an unusual practice in tis day and age !! the age of the charlatan !!
Atelier :
an artists Residence can by default be a legally utilisable studio space ! ……
and again by default ! can be legally used to garner custom / receive the public / promote productions and exhibit works completed and or in progress !
for which ' nominal ' and ' temporary ' ( non fixed / non permanent ) signages can be ' reasonably' employed !! ( in accordance with dimension limitations / illuminated or otherwise specifications / siting specifications R.E emergency access and egress and the implications for health and safety practice requirements !
for the DURATION or a predetermined , temporary exhibition or open studio
Signages Specific :
please feel free to peruse the available legislation guidelines for
- A boards / Standees / Flags and Flyers
- public exhibitions
- public exhibitions/ events on private land
-Temporary public notices
- Art installations in public and private spaces
I think that you will find that city wide cultural promotions will also correspond to specific exemptions and exception clauses within this area of by -law
Note 1
should the incompetent council that is supposed to be acting as commissioned custodian to this city ( who I have had the misfortune of having to deal with in court in the past ) wish to raise issues … then pleas by all means pass all related matters to myself !
Note 2
should any of my ' promotional materials ' contravene or inhibit an expressed event for a specific demographic , then this can be handled on a case by case basis ! , and I will be more than happy to make occasional concessions and allowances i.e I wont display any skull or death reference materials in the event of a scheduled funeral function etc
Option 1
signages to be returned and left alone unless prior mediation has at least been attempted ! or concession granted ! ( as stipulated above in Note Addendum 2 )
for the short term duration of the city wide open studios throughout the autumn 2018 including ' drawn to the valley open studio and artists exhibitions / Devon Artist Network open studios event / and the Plymouth Art Weekender : including and extending to additional independent short term exhibit adjustments and scheduling
hopefully culminating in a fairly symbiotic co habitation arrangement !
alternatively …..
we remain at loggerheads ! we can continue to purposefully disagree over petty recriminations !
i.e everytime I put out a sign or banner or happen to be engaging in production in the communal outside spaces ( which of course as act of production or protest I will be compelled to continue to do ) . you then counter with some insistence or confrontational habit , only serving to inflame my reactionary tendency and to inspire me to escalate the presence of said protest or production to ensure inconveniences caused !! e.g …. you don't like a little A board or some flags ! well how about ' persons unkown ' spraypainting a load of anti royal slogans and profanity all over the exterior of the dman building …. really hard to pin liabilities on persons unknown … regardless of scale of supposition !! trust me what ever you want to get your knickers in a twist about …. I have a hernia for you …. so sit down shut up and stop causing trouble !!
This would only serve to inflame discord, harbour resentments and ultimately inhibit a much needed focus for topical discussion points, a melee of free flowing creativity …. and a much needed community engaging asset … that isn't owned / sponsored / manipulated through inept government or poor policy or greedy machinations , a genuine rarity these days …. the days of the charlatan !
I hope that you will take this under consideration when considering future courses of action !!
respectfully , although not completely without disdain at this stage
Aaron ( Artby ) Valerio
The Original Arts Hole and the lockdown years -
The Original Arts Hole - Tree house 2.0
So I got back from Amsterdam in the Friday ( which was already in partial lockdown already - and some of the looks we were getting as we sat there in the floor of the airport eating our sandwiches was already a terrified and judgemental look )
On the Monday that great far sack of belligerent wind issued the national instruments for the lockdown
Now at this time , my girlfriend was living in temporary accomodation due to a housing dispute with her former tenency that had effectively rendered her as ' homeless '
I was living in a remarkable set of circumstances -
As I'm sure I've previously mentioned I acquired a yacht through barter to act as a housing option and logistics and delivery option for the ever diminishing trade here in the UK , it's a small vessel, a little 30" GRP but just enough for a fall back position when needed
A friend of mine was working as a tutor for a local charity and training provider delivering construction skills courses for the probation and rehabilitation services in the city and suggested that I pop along to volunteer a day or two
So this I did willingly , of course that's again where things just sort of doing out of control, it's a good thing I do keep such a stringent set of records ( indeed these days everytime I have a meeting with one of these government departments you need to be recording the whole time like some kind of conspiracy theory crazy that lives in a bunker .... I am reflecting on the caricature in eighties and nineties media representations of course
So I'm offered a flat ,
Im offered a roommate ...a live in recovering alcoholic that is only supposed to be with me for a few weeks while he is building routines and getting back into the swing of things ( actually he was a lovely guy and despite us being stuck together for most of and certainly the height of the pandemic - we did become friends )
The building we are staying in was in a dire state of repair and comprised 3 flats over 3 floors , in a converted mid terrace thing in a deplorable part of town ( remember I do still have and am spending my weekends down in a wooded tidal estuary - I'm not a big fan of company at the best of times ) the building itself was in such a dire state of repair that quite honestly it was just squalor
The tenant in the ground floor , an elderly couple of wavering disposition , the woman Joyce actually died of sepsis a part of the reason that I instigated the official environmental health complaint against the landlord , the charity managing the property and the local council , after Joyce died the partner Adrian was really in a bad way - drinking heavily and going down hill , a matter that I assure you was not left unreported ....
The tenant in the top floor was a Albanian street dealer - who was just a constant pain in the arse ...
So there's me ...a volunteer a couple of days a week with a local teaching outfit , suddenly looking after a grown man prone to bouts of alcoholism and withdrawal
The guy on the ground floor is audibly loosing his shit in a palpably melancholic state
Every time the guy upstairs plays his music at 3 am or has a shower which then runs down the walls of your living room ...
My girlfriend is in a state of apparent and incendiary distress , under threat of eviction for not paying her water rates to the homeless charity that is providing her temporary accomodation , as a result is being rather quarrelsome
I'm writing a syllabus for the training provider that I have been volunteering for in the hope that under my own little project -operation reintegration into this crazy ass society , I might find a little point of gainful employment to hide in while the economy keeps collapsing
They didn't have a position - straight off ....so I actually opted to render one
Then we go into lockdown ....
And everything went thermo nuclear - imagine if you will , my experiences during this time- I assure you there are a volume of emails and recorded evidence to testament those dark years , so I'll not labour over it in this little rant
But the pint I am so circuitously getting around to making is
How do you keep your shit together under such circumstances -
Quite honestly, gardening and painting made quite the difference amid that little forced social dynamic.
The middle flat of the 3 we had no ground floor access , but we did have a fire escape , it was no mean feat acquiring all of the plants and things that were needed but over a very short time , just so I could feel like I was sitting in a treehouse while I was having my little cigarettes amongst all of that insanity , maintaining what I could of my chill , before the next drama erupted
I know everyone suffered during those years ...some , more than others
So a scoff at the idea of mindfulness courses being delivered in seminar style , of positivity practices online via zoom and all the rest of it ....
Its amazing what a person can do , and yet receive zero credit for .... I have become very much accustomed to being completely unappreciated in my time , for some people that would be enough to deter any further course of action
But when you have some how managed to turn what most would consider to be a mild ADHD condition into a viable vocation ....then what's a little PTSD in the mix
Blog post dated ( )
Hello 👋
I doubt I should have to introduce myself , seeing as I have been involved in official complaints procedures with most of you on and off for a decade
But I suppose should you wish to feign ignorance of the Numerous legal disputes I have been dragged into with you people or perhaps insist that the aggressively dismissive attitude that seems to be adopted as standard procedure any time I try to raise point , offer suggestion or Raise valid critique is simply coincidental , for the sake of argument and in .....well let's make this a public response to your recent Facebook advertisement for calls for collaboration i.e the clipper on Union Street ...
About me ....
The Arts Hole international pop up initiative ..
Well , I'm a bit like you really ... I have a habit of taking on grubby old run down real estate and transforming them into desirable gallery / commercial / residential spaces, I have a proven track record of taking on near derelict properties in emaciated parts of town , across continental Europe and even further afield and quite by accident implementing desirable and utilisable spaces for community engagement and academic faculty support .....
How far along am I with my business
Ha ha ha ...well veteran in a forced state if perpetual transience, each exhibition has a different name and is in a different city ...
As you should certainly be aware , I have been responsible for developing and delivering a creative core based syllabus at one of the local training facilities ....just down the road from you , as part of the probation and rehabilitation outreach services . Of which I'm sure I don't have to emphasise are exceptionally pertinent within this particular aspect of the urban landscape
I have broached the subject with yourselves on numerous occasions , and made the proposal that the local charity and training provider that I am sub contracted to ... Could indeed make use of a potential retail position .....the students within our key and indeed target demographic are individuals that are making categorical efforts to improve their quality of life and in many cases even attempt to reintegrate into a society that systematically assaulted them with 15 years of ideological austerity
The pioneering Art aspect that I have developed for this local delivery demonstrates the positive influence that the creative tendency not just limited to expression of the ' Arts ' can have. I personally begrudge the incessant comodification of almost every human experience in this esculating age of madness however , in just the short time that I get to work with the students that are assigned to me there is a real and demonstrable untapped talent and potential ...that which should be both encouraged and applauded ! No better way would be for the local community builders to offer an exhibition opportunity in a venture such as your own ....
Again I will reiterate that shouldn't be news to you ,
Why do I think that the clipper would be good for me ....
Ha ha ha ...pass
No seriously, again as I am sure you are aware, I developed what was coined at the time as ' the Valerio institute for alternative learning ' up in the north of the city about a decade ago .....a grubby old factory that I took in and turned into a bespoke space without grant, subsidy or loan, ....suffice to say I had a falling out with the local authority ( not an unusual occurrence for many small businesses in the city ) stood my ground , finished the project which culminated in an architectural showcase the likes of which has bit been rivaled in the city ....but quite by chance , the greenalize thing materialised a few months later !!!, In the end I told them to get stuffed, the judiciary backed the proclamation and I went on my merry way . A few years after this debacle as far as my understanding goes a couple of ex community connections employees basically did a. Gov backed version of my original little enterprise ...as you can imagine I took quite a personal offense to this ....
You paid nigh on ten grand for a mural .....
Your funding and seemingly in bed relationship with the council and it's basket case of estate agent affilliates and questionable sponsors
So why do I think the clipper offering a collaborative effort, by way of making available space to encompass display and public engagement options for our recently qualified and or exceptional students ...on a nice neat 6 - 12 week rotation ....
Well I suppose you could refuse to offer collaborative support to this enterprise ....again !
But that does not seem to be in keeping with pretty much all of your published materials ? And self ascribed mission statements ? Funding criteria ?
Well I suppose if nothing else , despite all the aforementioned questionable circumstances ....it would give me something positive to say about you and your organizational efforts after all ....
How do I feel that I might contribute to your mission and local community ....
I can do three times what you do on a fraction of the budget .....
For the last two years I have been working in the reform services , within the neighborhood that you operate ....even during the height of the imposed lockdowns - fighting the council to get people re housed ' lodging environmental health complaints - battling social services and fighting with my own manager insisting we keep the door open as the legislation at the time did allow for education and training facilities to have the option if remaining open ( even though none of the other academic facilities within the city were willing to take that risk ) my argument being that the duration if the lockdown was starting to really negatively effect people's mental health , and that people that were being forced to live together in the awful tennament style lodgings that make up well over half of this cities housing stock .....especially within this cluttered part of the city ! We're better off coming for a little socially distanced , socially interactive respite than remaining in these festering pits of damp, despair , forced co habitation !
During my spare time I managed to convert a 3 story fire escape ( my roommates only available outside space in the horrible urban scene we were confined to ) into a kind if improvised hanging garden and pine forest, again inadvertantly kicking off several little garden and green space initiatives
Being so fed up with the city and the idea that citing myself next to a main thoroughfare staring at traffic and an economically emaciated city scape and populace was any kind of opportunity to be had ...
So once again after a lengthy and completely unnecessary legal free for all with my old mates ....the faceless bureau rats that seem to run the world , I moved back out to the rural fringes
....in the last I don't know . A little over a year I guess I have seen multiple sets of students through to completion of the course materials , delivered in parallel with the general conscious mindfulness and positive practices we have seen individuals flourish , literally flourish, in a time when the country is suffering such hardships as to be historically influential ! Mining ...well painting en plein air , finding rocks , turning those rock's into paints , exploring out the sources of those rock's ....again demonstrating the fundamental necessity to get out of the urban environment with all its digital entrapments and to get out into the 3 dimensional world with the 3 Dimensional people and effect the change in the world that is so sorely needed in this age of ours
All of this the basic mainstay of the basic intrigues that have somehow rendered my existence ' commercially viable ' ....even it seems without the streams of available funding that are often hoodwinked by mediocrity before my mad little enterprise even gets a look in .....
I used to prefer to operate in as fiercely independent a persona as I could muster ...and to be fair that scale of bravado can be useful when you are trailblazing something in a city you don't know in a country you are not familiar with with a language you don't speak .... there is a definite sense of self determination on relying solely on the trade you can muster from the products that you render ....but it can be infuriating observing thousands of pounds being rolled out in these bribe funding schemes for the bin delivery of half an idea ....
collaboration is proven to be the more fruitful endeavour over competition and as such I do try to embrace this more and more these days .
My contact details.....
Well you know ....I'm just down the road on the Thursday and Friday ....generally teaching people to paint or petitioning the council to support the planting of a tree over the implementation of another parking space or student bedsit , or indeed insisting that they destroy the 30% of the degenerate aspect of the grotty housing stock they insist on keeping in circulation !
Otherwise I'm out in the countryside , Amsterdam for about a week every 6 - 8 weeks plus the odd sporadic excursion to sunnier climes for more than mere self gratification and indulgent recreationalism ....
Would I like to collaborate ?
Oh dear , well the proof is in the pudding as they say ....
Would I like to collaborate .....well we find ourselves in a bit of a standoff
So I will be honest ...I've no patience to suffer a fool and I am genuinely concerned that a great deal of the funding structures that exist are wholly corralling and in effect censoring, I worry that a few well placed bribes kicked out as ' funding support ' from Dido Harding's account , just muddies the water of this already very muddy pond, like why have we got money for all if these bloody CIC enterprise dance troupes and art groups but the NHS funding model is a mess and the roads look like Pompeii , I worry that these greasy wheels are being used to usher in favourable relationships in lieu of a righteous indignation ....are we just keeping the middle classes busy with a load of coffee morning nonesense while the integral infrastructure of the country is being sold off for scrap ..... So, Yes I would like to collaborate with a few of the actual grassroots authentic proactive individuals and organizations that do have a genuine interest in improving the aesthetic appearance and integral functionality of this city and outlying region we all co habit
I would /could just go and petition a belligerent authority that would only offer me dead ears anyway , and well given my experiences in this particular city against the comparible successes of well pretty much every other city I have ever made camp....on an international scale I refer to this place as a societal equivalent of a bear trap ...but we've sewn up all routes of possible alternative entrepreneurial expression so what recourse can there be ?
...and besides I think it'll be interesting to see how this goes .....
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on these or related matters
Original blog post dated ( )
Silver linings
Hmm I just started writing an interesting little post about metal , attached to an article suggesting that the u.k had just sanctioned import from russian refineries ...but then this horrible little toy glitches and both what I had written and the attached content vanished , fuck this digital nonsense , it's all just blunt tools for remedial works ....beggars belief really !
I got a reasonable way into saying that when I first made the public announcement a short while ago that I had in fact stumbled across a few little silver deposits amid my wanderings ....and then about a week later some Canadian shareholders interest calling themselves " the Cornish mining company " made the same announcement from a site down in the south crofty belt in Cornwall , completely by coincidence I'm sure .... of course their share price went up by about a tenner ...
Now I did consider cashing in , floating my humble little hobbyist company and reaping some immediate cash , but let's be frank McDonald's , Amazon , Facebook , Pfizer , .....all if these bullshit companies that are killing the world and suffocating individual liberty are doing it in this model ...so no , I abstained, I'm sure my position on the idea that a passive residual income rendered through commissioned percentages on someone else's labour ....well that's just the middle classes implementing an additional system if taxation in themselves really isn't it ....
I will be completely honest and openly state that I only sought to acquire the necessary mineral rights through permissive allowances and I haven't sought , nor would I the ' right ' to purchase and privatise any of the world's beautiful corners , an aspect if my reasoning was also a conservationist one , I could envisage , that undine mad dash to keep this dead end economy afloat for a little longer that the powers that be could otherwise seek to turn the whole area into an open pit lithium mine and decimate one of the last beautiful little bits of landscape we have left here in Brexit britain
Any way , on Friday just ,it was ascertained that I have enough material within the portfolio by way of artworks and projects , and now suitable access to enough silver to be able to back the artworks in the portfolio with a very basic silver standard , so that's a bit like how those big white Victorian fivers you see were backed by a precious metal ( gold standard )
That means that like those old fivers , these paintings are an effective ' currency ' which as I said on Friday runs at a commodity parallel akin to a sofa or a second hand 30 foot yacht ....
Watch what happens to the price of silver over the next little while in light of international events 🤔
This is nowhere near as elaborate as the last little written attempt that was attached to the original article , but you get the gist x
Original blog post dated (. )
Oh Plymouth you funny little backwater ( email to a friend of mine and excellent contemporary
Good day to you ..... You know that thing I shared over to you about Shekinah having a crack at the film making course ... Well , I've kept my ear to the ground over the passed little while ...and I hate to come off as bitter , but have you noticed that wonderzoo and the mindful art club CIC have both been allocated funding to take on two new interns 🤔 to assist them with promotion and marketing no less I don't know if you have read , or recall any if my thoughts on nudge ( a suspiciously timed , well funded version of what we were doing our in belliver at our little grassroots level ) that just happened to have started by two community connections employees that took voluntary redundancy to copycat what we were doing ...with a keeneye in the potential applicable funding we could have generated ....had we been a little more " co operative " So sorry I didn't get back to you the other day about going for a coffee down there ...the week got away from me in the end and I did have to baulk at the suggestion...it's a Shane because the grass roots and some of the beautiful individuals that are unawares they are simply a strategic ' Camden ' enterprise to desperately try to tie up the failed urban planning island that is the royal William yard and this new millbay ( which I believe has also fallen on it's arse now ) a pathetic attempt to forcefully gentrify a huge swathe of social housing ...right in the doorstep of princess yachts ...a company that this council just lives to kiss ass for ( by the way did you see that princess yachts has decided that Plymouth us not as economically favourable as once thought and are selling up to an American concern 😆 ) I don't know if you recall ...but when me and Jana were squatting the flat above the social club on north hill ....it was about that time that " leadworks " with the assistance of that woman with an MBE that recently died ...secured funding to pay 20,000 per year in ground rent plus the cost of restorations on that building ....which also happened to be in the corridor of burgeoning development ...including Lee Reece's little outfit , nudges many property interests ...union corner ( remember ... I asked you to book me a evening discussion hist spot there once ...in a brief trip back from Amsterdam ...and despite the international nature of the circuitous commute ...fucked me off when I got here 🙄 )...isn't that the same place that that woman and our mutual acquaintance Clare Stevens has a base if influence ...the same Clare Stevens that colluded with Shekinah to dismiss me from both the teachung position and the enrolment in the teacher training qualification , without verbal warning or written warning ......and our old buddy Shekinah with their ' anti homelessness alliance ' So , you know how Shekinah basically fucked you over and then gaslit you along the lines of you being ' temperamental ' and unmanageable 😆 And then basically did the same to me ....well I've taken this last year to wander around and pick up some rocks ....I've enjoyed my time shacked up with a 19 year old protoge ....and I've been reflecting on all of this .... I know that you have taken some flack in this city ...and I have always found our mutual inclination to rail against being coerced into an otherwise avoidable choice ... A very comforting common factor I understand that you might well be fine with it all ...you may well want to just sit it out and play football , to be honest I can find sense in the latter period of Duchamp in my more recent musings and once I'm done with this I think I may well , forget about trying to live quietly and just get in with some painting ....just play chess and walk in the woods instead 🤔 But I've just spent the last few days putting some thoughts together on paper ...compiling a retro spective if you will ....I've sweated through my clothes and my heart has been in my throat the whole time ....but I have completed a well honed testimonial on my position and perspectives as I've dealt with this funny little Burrough on and off over the years ....when you put it all together , it stands to reason as a full psychological attack to attempt to keep kicking the can of culpability down the road whilst maintaining some sort of professional / personal grudge ...ever since we first started making hippy noises on the edge of the city 🤔 I know your own experiences have probably gone on longer than my own ... But , I am taking personal offense to this " build back better .....but only with the people we like " attitude and I am going to make a big stink about it Could I coax you into offering any testimonials if times in the last ten years that you like me ...with too much leniency have let things slide .... Times that you have rolled your eyes and thought ...oh Plymouth you silly little darling , u could have done that cheaper , quicker and rendered a more proficient result 😆😆 Bug live to you man and I hope we can catch up soon xx
Original blog post dated ( )
Official legal notice :
typing fast , on commute with sweaty hands ...keeping an eye out for cancelations and platform changes. busy thoughts from too much coffee ...too much distance , and too much stress.
Good Evening Tudor
We have been in contact before and I am relatively ' prolific ' I think at this stage
I just wanted to make contact as a courtesy really
Who knows how many strange and ethereal administrators run through the murky depths of Plymouth city council's darkened corridors
But I think I've spoken to mist of them , I've sent that Bingley guy a version of my official complaint ( I'm doing this in an unorthodox fashion - but most of my exchanges with this funny little organisation and it's subsidiaries and cross party , interdepartmental network of Facebook friends )
I'm chucking all of my experiences with your organization into a job lot , rounding it up into a formal complaint - but there's not really much room to manoeuvre I feel
In 2013 my official complaint was in hindsight obviously quashed ...that cost me a lot of time , money and even a marriage in the end , over a couple of grand you were trying to squeeze me for in business rates
I have easy grounds to believe the social network that would frequent the RAOB social club on north hill would be able to verify one way or another - what raised the frustrations with the community arts project that was being run at the time ....
And now , oncourse south west , in collusion with Shekinah regrettably decided to illegitimately dismiss me from both a teacher training qualification and vocational placement ( that I had written - no less )
I am sure most of this is well within your sphere of leadership and influence , so I'm confident that you are perfectly aware of the miscellaneous
In closing I will just add , it may be worth reflecting in hindsight - what contributions and contracts might have been rendered had I just been left to get on with a little painting / building dinosaurs / urban farming - rer ruralization, if amid the travels that I was consequently forced to take I hadn't proven ...that in almost any city in the world I can have an easier time than I can in my home town of Plymouth
Regards Aaron ( Artby ) Valerio
Original blog post dated (. )
Dear Richard Bingley :
Sent 04/03/2023
Good Evening Richard
Please do excuse the late hour - but it's just the nature of my day
I am sure you are aware that I am raising multiple complaints against , well this entire network of cross party interdepartmental Facebook friends and henparty networks
Because , well let's be fair ...there's a couple of organisations under your current remit that have taken the abundant and demonstrable piss here
So I'm coming in to bat
You may consider this my official complaint ( dumbfounded as you may well feign to be )
I don't have a great deal I'd entertain ... But if you were looking settle out of court
It would probably be better for all parties given the current state of the city and it's tenuous condition
I can just get on with what I do back over in the Netherlands and elsewhere , and just leave you to whatever the hell it is that you think your doing
Aaron ( Artby ) Valerio
Original blog post dated (. )
Messages with Zoe Labour councilor
Dated 02/03/2023
That's excellent that you recall the situation
That's fair enough ... It was a disasterously executed situation that has been expertly mishandled
I was just wondering , seeing as you ended up under Tara Wilkinson's management, and having offered testament to suggest that you are on a friend's basis with Tudor Evans
Given the basis off my experiences with both PATH and Tudor Evans
You might have been able to offer some notion of insight , perhaps would want to divulge anything at this stage
This is going to be a colossal legal proceeding and I absolutely begrudge having to go through it , but there are wrongs that must be set right
I have had a message exchange with Nabs .....however if he does remain in position after being temporarily suspended for using again
It was John Hamblyn that backed up Clare Stevens at on courses erroneous allegations against ' controversial ' visuals within the art room
John has been given a million pound building ...despite his valliant efforts to do everything via zoom
So there is a gross misjustice here
Yes I know ...Tara is travelling
Lee reece sold all his properties and moved to Thailand ....
Its all a bit of a mess isn't it
That's quite alright though
I do appreciate you offering your insight at this stage
As I say this is going to be an arduous task to whittle out some interesting individuals within some very serious public service positions
I hope that you and your affiliates can find scope to offer this oversight your support
Well ...
It's an interesting old tale ..cross party and interdepartmental which is a hell of a lot of a little single concerned citizen to do all on there lonesome ....especially being subject to the trauma involved ...personally
I am calling for a public enquiry into organizations Mal administrations that resulted in deaths , unlawful evictions , assaults but security services , frustrated environmental health complaints - the absolute degree of demonstrable stress that I went through for others behalf during the lockdowns
I am accusing a collusive air of hostilities and disdain against my absolutely correct appraisals of ongoing situations as they stood at the time could possibly have been garnered from a previous legal battle with the council , on a professional or private altercation in the passed which resulted in catastrophic administrative failings and required parliamentary oversight in the end ( expertly valuable consultation )
I would appreciate cooperation from all parties for both the professional conduct and personal conduct of less meritable individuals
Out of curiousity, who might you or I speak to ?
Ha ha ha ....oh dear I have no end of droning complaint I assure you ...it's become rather time consuming , it might have turned me into a bitter old crank
So I am seeking allies of course , but I have a shocking mistrust 😆
Well Tudor was requested to intervene in the original dispute way back in 2013 ...
Its since those considerations at the time that I feel somewhat .... purposefully overlooked shall we say
Every authoritative insistance that I have colourfully contested since , in every instance quite justifiably so ...seems to have compounded this attitude of disdain and avoidance
It seems quite remarkable that parallel projects of mediocre management seem to be excessively supported , while my own work - be that designing buildings - painting pictures - rendering syllabus for charities - running mining extractions for precious metals - or building dinosaurs - or it seems involved in litigations ( the average value for the aforementioned tends to be valued at around £180 per hour - regardless of activity - and can be easily demonstrated ) remain in seeming contempt despite my apparently ' whispered ' notoriety for the works that I have been engaged in anytime I try to do anything in this city
Sorry , there is a lit if ground to cover x
....or it seems engaged in litigations
I would be very happy to hear his thoughts ,
Plymouth city council are I believe still on notice for pending legal action after the esculative complaints procedure during the lockdowns
I am in the process of petitioning for summons so a friendly conversation might be prudent before we all have to give testimony ..
Original blog post dated ( )
Messages to tusc
The first message is from the 27 Oct 2020 - to a comrade of mine that is involved with the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition in Plymouth - we met during the occupy movement and I hope that I consider him a friend .... But who knows in this crazy age of the charlatan ..... Of gaslighting and smoke , mirrors , cloaks and daggers .....
" Yo man ..... How the devil are your domesticated tribulations you utter rapscallion 😇....what's your jazz like at the moment ? Just wanted to remention this X Good Evening , I do hope that you are fairing well through all of these current absurdities...... I do hope you will excuse the message out of the proverbial blue .... But I am getting in touch with a few of the interesting individuals in my Plymouth contact list and so wanted to send you a little notice that as of Monday next week I will have a little 'acess to Art and Design course ' running here in Plymouth . Based at the training facility at 24 Stonehouse street ....a six week course with funded places available for anyone you know on low income or U.C .... A great little intro into using creative tendency to circumvent these weird times .... As a therapeutic outlet and a viable economic tool , personally I am calling it a first class course in rebellion ... And there is actually an accredited educational award to be gained from completion .... Please do feel free to put anyone you know that might be interested in touch with me directly or via Shekinah .....very best wishes and big hugs . Stay safe etc X "
This second message was sent on the 05/ 03/2023
" Good Morning to you R.
I consider it noteworthy ...that I have not heard from you regarding my current legal position i e. Intentionally coming for some demonstrably dead wood within the ranks of this cities administrative capacity .
One might consider - since our original meeting all those years ago during occupy, that your apparent vying for a desk job - might not carry the merit that my own bloody determined fighting to simply maintain a little creative integrity - here in this funny little city
That you have foolishly pooled a property interest in , despite my advise to the contrary - a man I have heard say " but I've got to think of my family first " ....
I can't help but wonder sir , I am sorry to say ....whether perhaps your moral compass may have become compromised to some degree
I do hope that you and the family are indeed well
And despite a wry look in your direction at present , I do look forward to catching up soon ....
The Original Arts Hole Vs Plymouth city council and the broader support and education services -the culmination of a ten year legal battle against one of the funniest little local authorities in the land
Exhibition and workshop series 2023
A fine example of why it's probably better to just have a functioning complaints and accountability procedure x
Oh p.s # did a cross dressing socialist just poach my girlfriend ?
.....🙄 Politics 😤 "
But of a change in pace I guess ....what's the pandemic fine to us as a people ....jeeezuz
Original blog post dated (. )
Another labour councillor
Good Afternoon to you .....
Update on vague summary so far
well that's fantastic ... You would both be welcome of course ☺️
That's quite alright , I can relate ... It's important to make time for yourself amongst all the things that have to be done
Well , it's an interesting little set of circumstances down in Plymouth it has to be said ... I have my own little skewed perspective about what's going on , there seems a lot of infighting amongst the candidates that are left running so I can't see a functioning coalition being formed after the next election .... Everybody is trying to take public credit for pretty much anything and everything... Whilst trying to distance themselves from various precedents ...
It's quite amusing to watch ...
At the moment I'm just muddling through some paperwork - the council have yet again - seemingly disregarded my FOI and are being incredibly evasive in all matters ...
I think my next step is to issue ultimatum for compliance or I will escalate the criminal complaint to include intentional perversion of the course of justice on top of the outlying charge sheet ...then I'll get some summons out ...
But there's a lot going on🤔
It seems myself and others have accumulatively moved some of the rigidity in our acts and statutes ...it's taken some work to ensure that the individual at executive level can now be tried outside of the official position of their office responsible for administrative failings...so , I don't know if you remember me mentioning it in the train , but it basically means that both the organization and department can be held to account through scrutiny if professional conduct and adherence to statues such as duty if care etc
But also the individual at the point of the executive decision can now also be directly challenged for conduct in office ...even if they are out of office ( obviously with the election coming up - that's a big factor )
I can't imagine where Bingley went ( I'll show you my last poignantly dated message to him )
Or why former leader Kelly is having heart issues ....
There seem to be a couple if councillors that are running campaigns but really don't want to be left holding the position 🤔
So I think , between myself and straw , despite us not being in direct collaboration ...have managed to rattle the cage
I would be curious to know if you have any official or unofficial opinions about the circus in the city though ...
Very best wishes and I hope to catch up soon
Original blog post dated (. )
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Underlying Eroticism
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'Why Knot'
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Amsterdam Land 2016
Whipping up some W.I.P's 2016
![Whipping up some W.I.P's 2016](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhX7xfBRpNbcrQ8GjiodmF1FZOWdmfYwP8SQWvPHE39KH41oOGq46mZadjs-5GlZU9px9BhWIGTuenfeTnBhubwa7kenT8nMxpsr-2t96Poom9LEFRoEkiWRR2K7xHAeZecvf5HUPOs84E/s1600/Amstel+5.jpg)
because needs must as the devil drives
The Tiffany Gallery
![The Tiffany Gallery](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiBjjuoQ0SeOCcI63Duh5KbE7tRCLwNcuWH4YVxUWNJJ9Q83GEGUmg_Odf6ed6BSY5XNfpk_G3uTlpsxMmLRDZkIpJ8EzzQk3bqCbtJmFQyID6NLhh1yOawhf13qa4mVUs2DicPbZsNM6o/s1600/20161217_140205.jpg)
East looe Cornwall since 1982 Artby Valerio U.K H.Q since 2006
Cornish Art ....Cornish Artists ..2008
![Cornish Art ....Cornish Artists ..2008](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjqmAtv6-xZUn4rw8dOoZlG1GGxUH7At-M3qTKsgarP5lNedrJjJEGj_Qo234dTE_Rpi1tjkv-fGd3KgSN497XYdn4s2Q90KArPkDIz5-F8wJgd2wsF8p3Kv6SHsDQuDbdbezcF52DuuxM/s728/picture+prom+013.jpg)
the Invest in Real Art Campaign vs the corporate monsters
Artby Valerio :The Arts Hole 2004
![Artby Valerio :The Arts Hole 2004](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdIjZvIWjSaYxUr9dThdNYLiDb0jl1U8KykigAFyhpZI6t33gK_GIZn9kUOdtrZj4oEwWb-yNwaygux2G7wc0wJdpZnzV9PDXpWk4cFnpFNUXSSRVcBjFyMrsdpTSA2xd9NhXX-hMkpJU/s728/the+arts+hole+etc+016.jpg)
' if bush was bud ...even I wouldnt smoke it '
From the humble origins..
![From the humble origins..](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6gH3NxuiKbsfrmvkZT5z_sPMoRKu_SLzSDDyrUNpk4SWZFRl158lUn2L4xf5V4SnroI5GbNP5y18nusvMwwGBD20G8gFoY7o1KrWQHBDLtO4Y4ANaZjfpH5WuKJTPzlCOF1E6p5Bikms/s728/the+arts+hole+etc+028.jpg)
The Arts Hole Cornwall /on tour 2004
'Most Days 12- 5 ish'
!['Most Days 12- 5 ish'](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEirU1m69VSUom6Y2lHsX-lp_xNfqtOnxLU91KS-FlqW6u73-YtOWkmQr2xrhnhK7aMdcYrGEu7f5b3tZboumaSc9y7B00E522ZMAyUs9xVBCtAAo9tR1Maq_3_blljnRcjIBIXS2OFlACY/s728/the+arts+hole+etc+009.jpg)
open unless closed ... depending on which country I am in x
Pause for a Thought
The Valerio institute for Alternative Learning since 2011
Taking Stock
St Ives
So What do you do for a living ?
Running at full production Art Galleries ,Museums,Universities,Zoo's ....
Tiny Artby
![Tiny Artby](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjcF9KMRM8ban75BKXOfZhVDb0uFzOFuPb3lXAI6Uxda5bt1cFiy7TvVeJniDi9OZdtayNVrncPl_2fAJo2PfbcF-fy8F-lIrnXAl3B1aK0mP3Z3oqycrri6kgLDhDMqCnqH680QVwF7ps/s1600/young+artby+%25282%2529.jpg)
So ...How long have you been doing this ?
The Daily Grind
Many people I speak to assume that being an Artist is all very nice .... generally because great aunt murial paints and she is always going off on little artists retreats and whatnot! or its the stark opposite , people think that you have to live in squalor and be stark raving mad! truth is there are components of both in my existence x
101 Reasons to Choose a Vocation in the Creative Industries
A series of Autobiographical Cartoons : In - Steadman x