the Underexaggerated Origins of V

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Forged from Waves, Weather and Adversities ...' An Excessive portfolio,ranging from Architectural projects to Sculpture to Paintings in all mediums, but the real 'accomplishment' is the vivid 'signature' works in watercolour which express all manner of subjects in meditative mandalas that are immediately distinguishable. The level of design and precision makes these immaculate pieces colossal' .....but whatever x Check out facebook Page Which has a link to the online shop /Twitter and all that Jazz always Artby ( Art-By Valerio ) Valerio.... ABV 100% / Artby/ Designby/Tutorialsby/ Innovationsby/Adventureby/Rebellionby/ Art By Valerio ABV100% since 2006 ' well, probably mad as a brush ! but the works rather good ! '

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Another good one from the archives

 Fw: 8 wyndham square : Plymouth housing disputes : case 1 of 2

Artby Valerio
Wed 01/07/2020 13:37

From: Artby Valerio <>
Sent: 29 June 2020 14:35
To: bodyart696 <>
Subject: Fw: 8 wyndham square : Plymouth housing disputes : case 1 of 2

From: Artby Valerio <>
Sent: 29 June 2020 14:32
To: <>
Subject: Fw: 8 wyndham square : Plymouth housing disputes : case 1 of 2

From: Artby Valerio
Sent: 29 June 2020 14:29
To: <>
Subject: 8 wyndham square : Plymouth housing disputes : case 1 of 2
Good Morning , 

I am writing out this account for the sake of documenting the circumstances indicative of necessary inquiry into the conduct of several charitable organizations and a local authority and governing body 

The exemplified case studies and accounts given here are certainly testimony to failure , be that through gross incompetence or malicious intent 

My concerns are directed to

PATH - Plymouths access to housing 

Reestart recovery housing 

Plymouth community homes 

Plymouth city council 

And in an indirect way  hebbs security services, 

The first account I should wish to highlight would be of a young lady suffering with a particular combination of injury induced physical disabilities and subsequent injury related behavioural issues and social anxieties , an excellent employment record with the local hospital for over ten years , she was in a state of rehabilitative therapies and a strict low impact exercise regiment before her physical impairments forced her to leave her position , 

Having left an abusive relationship in summer 2019 she presented herself as disabled and homeless to the local council authority ,( plymouth city council )who in turn referred her to P.A.T.H ( plymouths access to housing ) , path were able to offer accommodation in a room on a second floor of a large 8 person shared house , in 8 whyndam square ,(of which is managed on behalf of another property management and recovery housing company - re start recovery housing ' the temporary ,supported accommodation option was provided on a 12 week licence agreement , unfortunately the accommodation option was less than suitable for the woman's requirements , in that it was dark, small , (measuring only 2.5 × 2.7 metres approximately ). But as the only option available,  decided to accept. The licence agreement stipulated that in exchange for the full housing benefit allocation of £137 per week , plus a £15 top up payment per week for service charges and cleaning materials , she would have use of her room and communal areas for the expressed period of 12 weeks and in that time be facilitated to be own suitable accommodation provision and full tenancy agreement 

After several complaints to path about the inappropriate lodgings and the negative ramifications that the lodgings were having on her physical and mental wellbeing , the woman in question was offered the option of another accommodation option , a substance misuse rehabilitation housing option offered again through reestart and re represented  through path , the young lady left in tears at the dire state  of both property and neighbouring characters, the alternative was to stay in the smaller room until a larger room became available in the house she was in , under the circumstances , she opted for the latter 

After some time , the woman was offered a larger room in the same house , albeit on the second floor , this was an extra difficulty as the five flights of stairs between her living quarters and all kitchen amenities and laundry provision! However the 12 week licence term was close to being complete , the woman had been on the councils social housing provision list for over a year , and was assured that the charities intent was to assist and facilitate a means for the woman's taking on an independent tenancy agreement of her own , and so it was a reasonable compromise , as at least her private room was sufficiently large enough to allow her to maintain her medically necessary exercise and stretching regiment 

Incidents in the house as reported to path , have included 

Broken bed ! Damaged mattress - cause of unnecessary discomfort and disrupted sleep pattern 

Broken washing machine - the single communal washing machine was left inoperable and un repaired for some weeks , the eventual replacement was a second hand , rusting , leaking m stinking artefact that was dragged from one of the out buildings 

Aggressive and violent abuse - the young lady in question reported on numerous occasions,  both to path , and via official police report of incidents of violent disruption in the house , numerous incidents have required an emergency police response , the temporary housing of known and convicted violent offenders - alongside vulnerable individuals , individuals in progressive states of recovery and refugees is utterly unacceptable, on many occasions the young woman has been forced to pack a bag at the last minute and flee the property,  or be trapped on the top floor without kitchen provision while some police incident is taking place on a lower floor !! 

Utter disregard and improper response to these complaints by both representing agencies path and re start recovery housing 

In light of the lack of response from acting management to rectify issues as reported,  the woman has been forced to purchase suitable bottled water provision,  and seek charged for laundry services , which is quite some walking distance from the residence

This unfortunately left the woman with an additional financial hardship, and rendered her unable to contribute the £15 per week as stipulated in her licence agreement, for contributions towards the houses water rates and cleaning services ( considering the length of time that these services were either inoperable or inaccessible an attempt to re negotiate the sur charge ensued up to and including her unnecessary, unlawful eviction, despite medical affirmation from practicing professionals to insist this course of action be reconsidered ) 

I am utterly disgusted to report that , despite numerous attempts to negotiate a mutual means of resolve,  the young lady in question was forcefully evicted this past friday , after a seven day notice to quit, regardless of the fact that we are in a near unprecedented global pandemic , and even though our own governments home office has issued legislation to protect individuals from eviction , in an attempt to contain homeless contact and the potential continued virulent spread of this outbreak 

During that 7 day notice period , every effort was made to negotiate a viable alternative to the forced eviction proceedings , however it does appear apparent that , given the scale of the individuals arrears was not due to non payment of rent , and given that many of the other housemates are in an equal state of arrears, that this individual has been maliciously targeted due to her astute nature and vocal testimony to improper practices 

As I previously mentioned these individuals are offered a 12 week licence agreement , a temporary and or housing provision , in the assumption that a suitable long term housing option can be found during that interim , this particular young lady has been a resident of this particular house for over ten months !! 3 of them have been under the covid 19 lockdown measures !! 

I am saddened to report that despite the young woman's injury related behavioural problems, and despite the woman's scale of ordeal within the accommodation,  she had begun to show excellent signs of positive improvement in engagement with one or two if the individuals in the house , and over the summer months they had taken great pains to convert a disused car parking space into a kind of covid ready mini allotment/ garden

Sadly the therapeutic value , the social dynamic has now been unnecessarily fractured by management agency 

During the eviction proceedings on friday morning I was able to offer a perfectly legal temporary physical obstruction, in a vain attempt to prevent the aggressive pursuit of these proceedings   I suited myself between the young ladies room and the only accessing stairway and the contracted ejecting force , I offered the reasoning, that we had ratified through the laborious legal advice research and phone calls from the preceding seven days, that in fact this forced eviction was not legal on numerous grounds, the licence was improperly spelled on the contract landlord failure to deliver basic contract terms predating the withholding of payment. Non delivery of basic contractually bound provision . Improper management of individual cases. Improper handling of official complaint . Possible dereliction of duty. Lack of court order or even injunction for the eviction proceedings 

During my attempts to maintain physical boundary and offer reassurances of the unlawful nature of these proceedings , despite my requests to have an officer of the law present to discuss the legal ramifications that were clearly still in dispute I was physically assaulted , handcuffed and detained by the attending and clearly poorly legally versed security services while offering zero violence in retaliation to the escalating situation , 

The grounds for physically assaulting me without grounds for arrest ??.......trespassing!! When that was contested a series of weak , previously unstipulated complaints came forward , basically constituting utter unfounded deformation of character and false allegation against the young lady 

As I mentioned , unfortunately the lady in her physical condition was not able to offer protest against the protagonist security forces and the charities representing agent that was also present , and was escorted from the building with her belongings and dumped on the street, on a friday afternoon , when all social service provision options are literally about to close for the weekend 

The ridiculously circuitous nature of this is alarming to say the least, she once again after suffering at the hands if such inept management by - plymouths only homeless rehousing program for 10 months , being forced through the humiliation of an un lawful eviction ......once again has to present herself as street homeless to the council that first unleashed this unnecessary trauma upon her 

And the degenerately reductive cycle that seems to be occurring here is indicative of genuine malice!! 

Upon reporting to the council offices as once again street homeless, this time under the charities cavalier label of - homeless through own fault and default on arrears ??!! 

The individuals working for the governing body and local authority took great and obvious pleasure in disclosing that they were filling their basic legal duty of responsibility , by offering a bed and breakfast option ..... for a fee of £25 per week 

The accommodation provided this time is such a disgrace that this poor vulnerable and disabled young woman is now opting to remain as street homeless and staying with friends as and where possible until she might find a suitable private rental agreement , rather than be exposed to the provision of the councils basic duty fulfilment, which in turn means that the council can say that she has refused their help and discharge their duty of care all together ??!! This is not only an obvious civil legal mess indicative of criminal activities and prejudice , but a humanitarian nightmare to boot and as I myself have been arguing since my original embroilment in this ongoing debacle back in august 2019 in need of thorough investigation 

It would appear that a local authority , in this part of the world, a distance from the usual stringent accountability measures and protective anti racketeering laws enforceable through usual external /internal review procedures,  might find a vested interest in taking advantage of both , the apparent lack of social housing provision and the dire state of that which is  available, to effectively force , even vulnerable disabled young women into having to pay up to and including 70% of their basic income for very simple lodgings, in this over inflated holiday home and student living orientated market

For the past ten months I have seen such gargantuan failings in agency ,management and authority as to render dedication enough yo articulate my observations and bring them to light for the absolutely necessary level of scrutiny that this and other cases bring to light, I have collected testimonial and email archive, video documented and meticulously noted incident regarding this and many other individuals suffice to be indicative of deliberate and damaging actions being carried out and often masked as mere administrative error, by a local authority who governing actions might resemble that of a family run casino

Please find attached a few of the emails and correspondence history that chronicles the increasing scales of culpability and liability in this particular case and I will forward over an additional case study that has only been made over the past 10 months concerning a young male in a very similar housing situation , again , possibly wilfully mismanaged by all aforementioned parties 

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this or related  matters

Aaron Valerio 

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