On top of all of the above , the scurrilous and underhand means by which these organizations have attempted to sidestep liability , to pass the buck , to sleaze and lie and even offer attempts to gaslight me into believing that , I did something wrong , that I've got a persecution complex and just some vague ingrained mistrust of authority, in a again a blatant attempt to undermine and sideline the sheer scale of liability attached to this cross party interdepartmental complaint against unlawful activity now encompasses .Fuckin jeezus wept ....can you fathom why ?! over time I may have developed an over exaggerated mistrust of poisonous snakes and falls that can kill me too. Obviously due to the deliberately nefarious execution of what can only be assessed as a diabolical disposition towards not only my professional interests and activities but also it would appear myself as an individual, this , coupled with personal mitigations and a compounded PTSD condition, means it has taken until now , with suitable reflection and extensive consideration to actually ascertain quite the extent of underhand and even criminal behaviours that have contributed to this accumulated account describing a shocking abuse of power , willful dereliction of duty, Mal administration , Mal feasance , corruption of public office , attempted perversion of the course of justice ...on and on it goes...To add insult to injury beyond that already highlighted - my endeavours that you have worked so hard to frustrate over the years , in hindsight would have proven to be exceptionally valuable to not only my organizations progressive development as well as the broader community and the ranging portfolios of CIC orientated enterprises that seem to be in such high demand for the economically emaciated Hugh street in its current condition ....It has taken up until now to decipher and process the notion that your now elected mayor a Mr Chris Penberthy , amid our last email communication , by his own admission acknowledges , I believe , nine separate legal complaints within my preceding rant .A suring up of a listing mental state , a spectacular heartbreak and the kidnapping of an appointed legal advisor had encouraged my mind to wander .... But let's pick it up from where we left off ....Obviously a self representing and notoriously wayward artisan can't be expected to be as thoroughly versed in the practices of law as one might hope , suffice to say that despite a plethora of no win no fee startup legal firms promising justice if it wasn't your fault - apparently , injury or equivalent harm can be inferred on legally as beyond limited to physical injury ....I've previously observed we live in a land and a time of borderline lunacy at present , that lunacy , seemingly endorsed by the state, except at the point of official legal rebuttal ....then , experience would dictate , it becomes quite apologetic even visibly pathetic ....once you've called out the corruption behind the Cheshire cat smiles , attempting to disguise malice as mere administrative error, or maybe , a regrettable policy implementation now in line for review ....Fucking cowardice man, piss taking , ass covering bastards ....Suffice to say - there are at least , at last , a few hippies starting to kick back against this weird adoption of policies made of glue, this slow coercion into a dystopian future,Sue , Sue the bloody lot of them ...hold everybody at the point of executive decision personally liable , a lot of people make the mistake of just sueing the council department or just the council in general , there is no personal threat if accountability in such claims , all you are doing is seeking compensation from an insurance pot they pay into for exactly this reason ....jeez logic really does seem to be rare these daysIn the last couple of months a few things have happened , one of which is quite important, we have managed to get some;laws changed so that an individual that had held public office can be held accountable for Thier executive decisions even after their time in office has passed , and yes , these cases are now eligible to be raised with legal aid funding applications .There's a load of bloody hippie's kicking back against digital I.D , digital currency , 15minute cities , the world health organisation and the world economic forum ....did anyone see , the BBC are it seems complicit in contributing to the spread of misinformation that contributed to the unnecessary deaths now linked to the experimental ' vaccine ' that was unlawfully mandated by a questionable government and a dodgy pharmaceutical company.... A misinformation campaign that it seems , who would believe it , even social media giants were absolutely complicit in too ! House of fucking cards mate .... Blind leading the blind and all that !!France seems to be having some problems ;Canada too The Netherlands , the Dutch government gave actually gone and done what I've been recommending here in the UK for some time , take your I'll gotten gains and sod off.Thankfully , amid all if this cacophonic noise and distraction , of local elections , russian Armageddons , bi elections and some trees getting cut down ( seriously ladies , what the hell are you even doing now - the trees are gone ) amid all of this .... My ten year campaign to agitate Boris Johnson and his strategically placed halfwit minions may finally come to a closing fruition. This bottom of the barrell cabinet needs to be disbanded , retired , by it's own admission ...personally I think routed is a better term , with full accountability all round , including the timid aspects of the so called opposition.Hopefully this new wave of demanded scrutiny and inevitable accountability, whether it's from WhatsApp messages , dubious policy implementation , corrupt individuals, weak mediations , royal affiliations; or strange financial ties, we can at this stage , we stand a chance of eradicating some very well paid dead wood , and morally we aught to settle for nothing less. Isuppose it is with that in mind that I pen this little consideration ....It seems amud all of the rest of the goings on , going on , it seems that 30p Bob - Robert Jenrick , who just happened to be Boris Johnsons appointed minister for housing and communities during those pandemic years , during my little effort to suitably rehouse everyone that Plymouth city council were systematically trying to kill off ...It was Rishi Sunak , our now prime minister that came up with the ' eat out to help out ' campaign , while he was the then chancellor of the Exchequer , and presumably it was old Matt Hancock that was overseeing Chris whittys advice to the public regarding the implementation of lockdown measures ..Plymouth university , out of all of the universities in the country issued Chris whitty an honourable doctorate - the faculty can't process an application from the arts Hole , but can find the paper work to give whitty a doctorate .... At the specific moment I was literally physically fighting the whole damn administration of this country for trying to kill my learners , students , and maliciously attempting to render myself , my girlfriend and anyone loudly affiliated to me or my art course as homeless ....Yeah , obviously ....I've got a persecution complex !!!You absolute bunch of complete snivelling degenerate bastards ....There is absolutely no way any of this holds up to scrutiny at this stage , and it is certainly long overdue this level of scrutiny, thankfully those wheels are now in motion ....it goes without saying this is fuckin farcical...and it's a bloody good job I've got a sense of humour otherwise I could certainly have resorted to the actual cleaving of heads , so despite my little banging of drums to a drastically reduced audience since the Inception of this year's - Let's AV It - exhibition and workshop series , and the bizarre sequences that have unfurled as either a direct or indirect result of whatever the hell it is that I do ....r Let's put a lid on this thing
A vague mashing mix of the ongoing adventures and previous portfolio developments of this elusive yet prolific International Artist,
the Underexaggerated Origins of V
- hot blooded artist
- Forged from Waves, Weather and Adversities ...' An Excessive portfolio,ranging from Architectural projects to Sculpture to Paintings in all mediums, but the real 'accomplishment' is the vivid 'signature' works in watercolour which express all manner of subjects in meditative mandalas that are immediately distinguishable. The level of design and precision makes these immaculate pieces colossal' .....but whatever x www.artsbyvalerio.webs.com Check out facebook Page Which has a link to the online shop /Twitter and all that Jazz always Artby ( Art-By Valerio ) Valerio.... ABV 100% / Artby/ Designby/Tutorialsby/ Innovationsby/Adventureby/Rebellionby/ Art By Valerio ABV100% since 2006 ' well, probably mad as a brush ! but the works rather good ! '
Saturday, 15 July 2023
Closing statement and a very public " "
;All right then " If it's not right , then don't stand for it " a mantra that encompasses not just one of my own personal philosophies but that of what is technically my own organization as well , as was reflected upon during my closing meeting with Jon hamblyn of the Shekinah enterprise , as well as my closing considerations with a Mr Mike ..... Of PATH , and again as my final thoughts amid meetings and correspondence with Anna Constantineau of Plymouth community connections , and even Tudor Evans of Plymouth city council ..... Which seems to have rendered such unusual contemptuous disregard to date as to have actually vindicated my own mirrored attitude in kind . So Jon hamblyn in his infinite wisdom decided to uphold a bizarre , erroneous and unfounded safeguarding concern regarding imagery in the art room - cited by a Claire Stevens from an on course south west , complicit in affiliation with Plymouth city council including specific members of staff and Councilors holding what can clearly be demonstrated as a personal and professional grudge( notable preceding meeting in which Claire Stevens was addressing our tutors on behalf of Plymouth city council regarding the importance of adhering to the formatted official complaints procedure as well as personal liability - on what was otherwise a scheduled day off , in light of my recent previous experience , as one can imagine ...I was in no mood for , perfectly civil , but certainly brusque) Culminating in the unfair , ungrounded , unlawful dismissal from both a teacher training qualification as well as an active teaching position of demonstrable and incomparable value both throughout the pandemic as well as either sides of the actual lockdown periods, within the city , delivering an Ofsted ratified syllabus of my own creation of clear and apparent commercial viability and community value , on top of which this unfounded disciplinary course resulted in the compromising of additional collaborative efforts within the immediate community and broader catchment areas . I am sure you are no doubt aware of the particulars of my ranging yet exceptionally specific complaints .Originating with the aggressive intimidation tactics adopted to FRAUDULENTLY extort finance from my own company through relentless pursuit of non applicable charges during our initial professional interactions in 2011-2013 .The barefaced plagiarism of that very same business model - the apparent granting of ; graces and favours through very specific funding avenues to deminstrably mediocre parralell enterprises ;Professional exclusion from even offering tender for contacts .A very specific set of circumstances resulting in professional and personal persecution , directly and indirectly frustrating and inhibiting trade ( North Hill ) Professional and personal persecution as apparent palpable disdain - resulting in the full disregard of broad consultation offered at the time and effectively resulting in apparent MANSLAUGHTER through the flagrant disregard of the evidenced environmental health complaint coupled with well founded systemic corruption allegations which in itself resulted in undue stress, mental and physical trauma and even physical assault caused during these extended conflicts with these various departments and subsidiaries of Plymouth city council concerning their evidenced failings.
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unable to see the trees for the wood

Underlying Eroticism

more than a few

'Why Knot'

Amsterdam Land 2016
Whipping up some W.I.P's 2016

because needs must as the devil drives
The Tiffany Gallery

East looe Cornwall since 1982 Artby Valerio U.K H.Q since 2006
Cornish Art ....Cornish Artists ..2008

the Invest in Real Art Campaign vs the corporate monsters
Artby Valerio :The Arts Hole 2004

' if bush was bud ...even I wouldnt smoke it '
From the humble origins..

The Arts Hole Cornwall /on tour 2004
'Most Days 12- 5 ish'

open unless closed ... depending on which country I am in x
Pause for a Thought
The Valerio institute for Alternative Learning since 2011
Taking Stock
St Ives
So What do you do for a living ?
Running at full production Art Galleries ,Museums,Universities,Zoo's ....
Tiny Artby

So ...How long have you been doing this ?
The Daily Grind
Many people I speak to assume that being an Artist is all very nice .... generally because great aunt murial paints and she is always going off on little artists retreats and whatnot! or its the stark opposite , people think that you have to live in squalor and be stark raving mad! truth is there are components of both in my existence x
101 Reasons to Choose a Vocation in the Creative Industries
A series of Autobiographical Cartoons : In - Steadman x
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