apparently everybody needs a job .... even in this heavily automated age
its is of course true that some people are completely pathologically unsuited to some vocations ..... I for example .... I could not ever consider going into medicine ,I am not at all squeamish and I don't worry to much about facing the inevitable mortality of us feeble humans, indeed there have been times out there in the wilds ... miles away from a Kentucky fried chicken outlet or suitable medical facility ... I have had to splint up some broken bones for fallen parties and myself ..... I have had to pop one hideously dislocated shoulder back into joint on a rainy day, for some guy I hardly knew in the twilight hour stuck between two parallel barbed wire fences , and I have even had a crack at sowing up some particularly bad lacerations .... and failing the availability of a suitable needle and thread ... even had to temporarily super glue some poor numpty together that thought that because they had a beard they were naturally acclimatised to the great outdoors .....
that is action and reaction in the event of emergencies .... real emergencies .... you see I know enough about the human condition ,largely through my own impact damages , to be able to say ... no I will not leave you here while I walk up some remote outcrop in the vain hope of my mobile signal suddenly firing to life , you have to strap these poor little darlings up and cart them back to their mothers ... or they will pass out from pain ... or bleed out .... or even be overcome by shock or exposure .... in any such instance the conversation and ambience tend to take a sharp turn !!
but to do it for a living that I could not do , a 30 - 40 hour week with all of that blood guts and gore .... the terrible nasty sorry fetid state of a truly pathetic human being that needs to be looked after ..... I have a natural level of compassion .... and no level of wage could make me stomach ... and endure the perpetual frailty of the human and call it a vocation, but I will applaud anyone that can muster that kind of unlimited care.
I would never fuck for a fee ..... kill for a fee ..... no even piss on or be pissed on for a fee ....
and this is where my complete lack of understanding lies
I cant admit to too much here I suppose .... but I guess people may have lost their lives before .... but no money ever exchanged hands.!!!
I may have spent nights with questionable females ... with questionable kinks
so the very idea of paying for a series of experimental experiences just doesn't compute for me ....
the same is true for most of my travels / productions and experiences .... I don't think Mr Trump can boast the same ,he can confess to a series of expenditures ..... a lot of paid for off the shelf tax incurring ( well even that is debatable ) recreations !!!the only way he can get a women to piss on him ... is to pay for it !!
the same is probably true for every other experience in the mans life .... and this is sad !and nothing else !! but what is scary about it ..... what really terrifies me is the escalating and self perpetuating send up of the situation.,the artificial advert .
the gentleman's lifestyle ... the position of privilege ... as it were , is a gag gift ,its all pretence and lies .... with no reward other than a boring insulated completely predictably paid for experience .
'oh it must be lovely' say the people that have been interned into thinking that its the way to go .... I want to sail a boat says the salary secure dentist .
I want to go on a luxury holiday ... says the poor former human that spends 40 + weeks doing someone else's bidding in the office they hate a labour they gain no satisfaction from .
I want my fast food served on a plate with expensive looking cutlery from pubs and places that tell me I am successful as I hand over the equivalent of hours worth of labour for 30 minutes worth of respite ..... even if it is still only sufficiently heated cheap meat cooked by underpaid eastern Europeans and served by students that will smile at you as you spill your leftovers on them .... as they fight and vie for the meagre tips.
I want some one else to make my coffee.
I want someone else to do my gardening .
I want someone else to do my DIY home repairs . you see where this is heading ......
I want someone else to govern on my behalf !!!!!
while I pursue the recreations I deserve ???
this is why I cant hate Trump .... he is a victim .... not an idol .... he is a creature that can only measure his own sense of satisfaction according to a pre described notion !! and that is very much based on the audience .... he is trapped .... and in being so needs to emulate the visage of the gentleman's lifestyle!! the successful individual !! (and indeed look at him go... leader of the free world!! , he has actually managed to climb to the very top of our societal structures !!???? ) he needs to brand it and sell it to anyone stupid enough to believe the lie .
the saying ' keeping up with the Jones's ' its a right little merry go round and in someway a little connected to the rest of the schpeel !
you see the girl that pissed on trump .... probably had better things to do , but in the pursuit of her own ideals of the gentleman's lifestyle took the money and did the deed.
and so that is why I just cant hate the man .... I don't like him much for sure .... and I cannot deny that people like him should probably never be allowed anywhere near a position of influence ... but neither should have Thatcher .... or Blair or Cameron thereasa May ..... or borris Johnson .... nigel farrage ...and the rest of them ...... and there have been and continue to be many of them ...lazy fuckers !!!
its easy to call trump a xenophobic little zealot with tiny hands and a tinier brain .... but again these are all things that if I was stuck talking to him ...and didn't know who he was ... would bring about in me that human sense of compassion ... I would slow down the tack of my conversation ..... like talking to a barnyard animal ..... I couldn't feel compelled to want to vindictively punish these creatures for not understanding complex situations, I wouldn't want to share a great deal of my conversation time with them either!! ( although to be fair these days they do tend to be the better choice ... animals that is , not Donald Trump ! ) because as they have nothing to offer other than which can be bought or sold( in trumps case ) maybe an uniformed position or grunting sound ( in either case ) and these are not the viable attributes of a lifetime well lived !!( on a human scale anyway ) and the Jones' ( see told you it was semi related ). these are people that thumb through others experiences and see what they want ,and either they sacrifice something to imagine themselves in the shiny advertised slogan of it on a very measly vacation allowance...... or worse they will sacrifice someone else for the sake of their own attempts to emulate this ever escalating gentlemans lifestyle of perpetual travel and recreations !! of excess and opulence that has jus made the whole thing , once again ... completely grotesque !!
these are not humans .... these are products .... products of their own making ... of their own environment ... of their own poor choices or lack of cerebral development.
and that s the problem with the gentleman's lifestyle ...... it simply does not exist .... its a millennia old advert that no one seems to have managed to undermine yet because for hundreds of years we have been told to work hard and attempt to emulate it !to idolize it !.... to desire it with every part of our fabric .... and yet beyond the basic ( and all too common ) requirements of the perpetually fluctuating human condition, everything else is just greed !
the last people to try and out do this fetid and corruptible set of social parameters were the hippies and then the punks .... and the ones that couldn't be paid off !! ( lead singer of the rolling stones moaning about some knighthood or other ... or the singer from the who going off and running a salmon farm ) ... were simply run out to the fringe , killed off or starved out of their legitimate positions of protest ,while the rest of the population kept running on the hamster wheel in that demented attempt to get there own little slice of a salmon farm... a holiday home perhaps ha ! their own little helicopter ride ( purchasable recreations ) .... their own little state endorsement that says they are successful humans ( current education accolades ) its the equivalent of a lottery ticket ... in a sociologically engineered , overly competitive world .... because you know .... Darwin said something about survival of the fittest ( even though that is so often misinterpreted its beyond belief)
hhmm survival of the fittest ..... is that really where we are right now ??
Remember ... work hard and you'll get ahead ( I do like to work hard , I love what I do , its a continuum of chaos and variety )... but not through commercial incentive, but because its the most rewarding way to live my trade ... and through the various mishaps and bizarrely circuitous I have decided that comfort is all very nice ...but I just don't think passion lives there... passion comes from real strife from the overcoming of adversity , that's why the gentleman's lifestyle came to incorporate an appreciation of the arts in the first place !( and these days even things that were once considered very unpleasant vocations can be done on a week by week basis as '' adventure holidays '' ) and I find it whenever I find myself in a group of self professed etc 's ... those ones that really had nothing to worry about other than becoming technically excellent through some overpriced academic convention ! the ones that could not fathom HAVING to do something .... when they might have the option of merely WANTING to do something ... these people are easily intimidated .... because they are fake !! . yes I can applaud technically excellent work of a well practiced hand ... but if all that hand had to do was practice , then there is a little respect lost .... a lack of integrity to it ) ... Coke for life ...... just do it !!... and keep calm and carry on a bloody fortune for an education or the modern equivalent of a 'qualification ' ... or even just the basic roof over your head ,... keep queing up to be ass raped by a bunch of middle men and percentage people , whose only real talent in the world is creaming a minimum of 30 percent of your viable labours . and I am sure everything will work out just fine ... because .... better the devil you know ... you know x ....Vote Trump if you Like ... have a brexit fucking cake on the side , this has all gone over the edge of reason .... I think your all nuts , and you can all fuck off .....
or maybe not ..... maybe it is all well overdue for an overhaul ?? :)
A vague mashing mix of the ongoing adventures and previous portfolio developments of this elusive yet prolific International Artist,
the Underexaggerated Origins of V
- hot blooded artist
- Forged from Waves, Weather and Adversities ...' An Excessive portfolio,ranging from Architectural projects to Sculpture to Paintings in all mediums, but the real 'accomplishment' is the vivid 'signature' works in watercolour which express all manner of subjects in meditative mandalas that are immediately distinguishable. The level of design and precision makes these immaculate pieces colossal' .....but whatever x Check out facebook Page Which has a link to the online shop /Twitter and all that Jazz always Artby ( Art-By Valerio ) Valerio.... ABV 100% / Artby/ Designby/Tutorialsby/ Innovationsby/Adventureby/Rebellionby/ Art By Valerio ABV100% since 2006 ' well, probably mad as a brush ! but the works rather good ! '
Saturday, 28 January 2017
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
you do know that feeling right ...????
You know that feeling when you are trying to turn an opera house into a tropical Island without making any structural modifications to the original building .....
- So if this is you procrastinating, what does your typical day look like? How long does it take to finish a piece? Do you work on multiple or one at a time? *-*
fine questions ...... I always have several pieces in progress at any one time I like to have several styles in progress simultaneously..... the swirly works in the background of this picture are a fast attempt to assemble works for shipping to galleries .the 'swirly' paintings are watercolours ( have come to be known as my ' signature style ') ... on a heavy gsm home made paper ..... they take around 60 - 100 hours of successive layering .( not including paper production or framing time ) ..... the thing that I am looking at on the floor is a pile of comic style illustrations ... lining up for a second edition of a book that will coincide with a gallery launch later this year of which there are over 100 re drafts the cartoon illustrations take around 1-2 hours each ................ there are bold coloured acrylics and oils as well which take anything from 1 day to 6 months .... depending on the intended price range subject matter and technical depth of the piece ..... and the architecture .....the various sheets on the worksurfaces and work easels are architectural illustrations for two different project submissions ...... .. well the current 2 projects are around a week old ...... although obviously from a consultation point of view they tend to take months to a year or so from design to build .........did that answer everything ? x ...... hence the reason I seldom stop to document myself doing all that needs doing x
ha ha ... of course then there is also traditionalist carving techniques employed in the sculptural works .... in wood and stone ..... but I only tend to find time for these ... in between the rest x
... and a typical day ...... gosh that really depends on which country I am in ..... but t generalise ..... up at around 6.30 ..... coffee and a tweet or two ..... then a little physical endurance ... generally sculpture ... although at the moment that comprises a gallery remodel and a large wooden boat project ...... ideally back at the easel for around 2-3 ..... with a movie or music ..... switching between projects every 3 hrs or so .... of course always subject to change depending on travel times and classes booked / gallery appearances ....
no rest for the wicked they say ..... I must have been a bit of a git in a previous life ; )
Monday, 16 January 2017
'........on the road again , I just cant wait to get on the road again ....'
sigh , but it just isn't true is it willie ?? .....more like ' Band on the run ' .... or ' Lawyers , guns and money ' !!
here is the vague schedule I will be attempting to adhere to this year ... well the first six months anyway maintaining small fundraising events, Exhibitions and addressing student audiences about a broad range of subjects from the complexities of running an Art Business, to Political and Financial restrictions in current academia
1st Feb - 19th Feb 2017 : Looe /St Ives Cornwall U.K
19th Feb - 5th March 2017 : Amsterdam Land
7th March -22nd March 2017 : Plymouth / London
22nd March -30th March 2017: Amsterdam Land/ Lieden
30th March - 17th April 2017: Looe / Plymouth / London
17th April - 25th May 2017 : Amsterdam Land / Berlin (sporadic)
( 1st April - 25thMay 2017 : South West Tour (ongoing Dartmouth to St Ives)
somewhere here there is a little tour of Italy including Venezia
22nd June2017 + : Amsterdam/Venezia
1st July 2017 : Plymouth/ Looe
1st August - 28th August 2017 : London
1st September - 19th September 2017 : Plymouth / Porthmaddog @ Wales
1st October - mid October 2017: Dallas USA San Francisco CANCELLED
Mid October - end of October 2017 Italy
end of October 2017 Amsterdam
November 2017 Cornwall/ Devon
1st December - 15th December2017 The Hague / Netherlands
Christmas 2017 London / Cornwall
January 2018 Amsterdam Netherlands
February 2018 Venice Italy
March 2018 Amsterdam N.L
April 2018 - September 2018 Cornwall U.K
September 2018 Porthmaddog Wales U.K
there are still available appointments , but they are running out ... so if you want to book a last minute Appointment /Workshop / Artclass / ArtB&B / Excursion /Commission/ Collaboration then please do get in touch x
the rest of the Diary will be posted once I get back to the Workshop in The U.K x
here is the vague schedule I will be attempting to adhere to this year ... well the first six months anyway maintaining small fundraising events, Exhibitions and addressing student audiences about a broad range of subjects from the complexities of running an Art Business, to Political and Financial restrictions in current academia
1st Feb - 19th Feb 2017 : Looe /St Ives Cornwall U.K
19th Feb - 5th March 2017 : Amsterdam Land
7th March -22nd March 2017 : Plymouth / London
22nd March -30th March 2017: Amsterdam Land/ Lieden
30th March - 17th April 2017: Looe / Plymouth / London
17th April - 25th May 2017 : Amsterdam Land / Berlin (sporadic)
( 1st April - 25thMay 2017 : South West Tour (ongoing Dartmouth to St Ives)
somewhere here there is a little tour of Italy including Venezia
22nd June2017 + : Amsterdam/Venezia
1st July 2017 : Plymouth/ Looe
1st August - 28th August 2017 : London
1st September - 19th September 2017 : Plymouth / Porthmaddog @ Wales
1st October - mid October 2017: Dallas USA San Francisco CANCELLED
Mid October - end of October 2017 Italy
end of October 2017 Amsterdam
November 2017 Cornwall/ Devon
1st December - 15th December2017 The Hague / Netherlands
Christmas 2017 London / Cornwall
January 2018 Amsterdam Netherlands
February 2018 Venice Italy
March 2018 Amsterdam N.L
April 2018 - September 2018 Cornwall U.K
September 2018 Porthmaddog Wales U.K
there are still available appointments , but they are running out ... so if you want to book a last minute Appointment /Workshop / Artclass / ArtB&B / Excursion /Commission/ Collaboration then please do get in touch x
the rest of the Diary will be posted once I get back to the Workshop in The U.K x
'perpetually transient across several wildernesses !'
Artby Valerio's Art B&B Cornwall 2017
'The Pirate Ship Project'
the notion of attempting to find a secure means of positioning oneself in times such as these are not for the faint hearted.
amid my findings from the most recent set of semi voluntary experiments ... I decided that I really needed a base of operations .... one that was not liable to fluctuations of the contemporary nature .... a place that regardless of market inflations of crashes .... a place that could not succumb to the whims and wanton desires of hell, high water ... or even woman scorned a bolt hole ...a fall back position !!
and unfortunately the boat or the caravan are the only sensibly priced options for now at least
So I field tested this thing last year this Art B&B in the temporary arrangement that I had set up in Amsterdam , and the whole thing completely rocked !!
So the amalgamation began to grow the Art B&B is now an actual additional branch to the independent works and spaces that I like to develop part of the unbranded ' brand ' if you will
It is with great pleasure that we can announce a whole artistic academic vacation option right here in the sunny seaside town of Looe in Cornwall U.K.
the Art B&B Boat Building / Tipi Option will be running simultaneously to our new collaboration with The MeneGlaze Guest House for the summer season of 2017
So we will have a fine set of facilities on land as well .....
.....Either you can come down and stay in one of the Tipi accommodation options on the waterside in the stunning wooded estuary ... you can learn to build your own small boat in less than a week .... while learning the traditional techniques that are being used the refurbishment of the ' project boat ' that I am currently dismantling
....or you can come and stay in one of the wonderful guest rooms each with en suite bathrooms in the Guest house and sign up for our in house Art Classes and Creative disciplines programs with full use of the Art Studio and the gallery exhibition option at the end of your stay ,hosted by a fine selection of the established local artistic talents that reside in concentration in the area, offering short courses in every artistic medium conceivable ( and of course I will personally be offering a scheduled sets of classes amid the syllabus but please check availabilities and dates )
the notion of attempting to find a secure means of positioning oneself in times such as these are not for the faint hearted.
amid my findings from the most recent set of semi voluntary experiments ... I decided that I really needed a base of operations .... one that was not liable to fluctuations of the contemporary nature .... a place that regardless of market inflations of crashes .... a place that could not succumb to the whims and wanton desires of hell, high water ... or even woman scorned a bolt hole ...a fall back position !!
and unfortunately the boat or the caravan are the only sensibly priced options for now at least
So I field tested this thing last year this Art B&B in the temporary arrangement that I had set up in Amsterdam , and the whole thing completely rocked !!
So the amalgamation began to grow the Art B&B is now an actual additional branch to the independent works and spaces that I like to develop part of the unbranded ' brand ' if you will
It is with great pleasure that we can announce a whole artistic academic vacation option right here in the sunny seaside town of Looe in Cornwall U.K.
the Art B&B Boat Building / Tipi Option will be running simultaneously to our new collaboration with The MeneGlaze Guest House for the summer season of 2017
So we will have a fine set of facilities on land as well .....
.....Either you can come down and stay in one of the Tipi accommodation options on the waterside in the stunning wooded estuary ... you can learn to build your own small boat in less than a week .... while learning the traditional techniques that are being used the refurbishment of the ' project boat ' that I am currently dismantling
....or you can come and stay in one of the wonderful guest rooms each with en suite bathrooms in the Guest house and sign up for our in house Art Classes and Creative disciplines programs with full use of the Art Studio and the gallery exhibition option at the end of your stay ,hosted by a fine selection of the established local artistic talents that reside in concentration in the area, offering short courses in every artistic medium conceivable ( and of course I will personally be offering a scheduled sets of classes amid the syllabus but please check availabilities and dates )
So Get in Touch with either myself or Meneglaze guest house Directly and we will look forward to discussing your Holiday options and assisting in fulfilling your creative tendencies.
check out the ArtB&B listing on the official website for more information and booking options
Monday, 9 January 2017
and this is what we have come to accept as a functioning system ?????
Dear Mr Valerio ...... we want to help you build your audience .......
Dear facebook and twitter are so close to reaching a bigger audience !!
Do you know why the high street is failing ? Well you see first there was nothing ....just like some mud .....and a few trees and stuff ( personally I think it was fine like that but whatever ) .... Then some sort if practicle minded folks .....seemed it sensible to reshuffle some of that mud ...and those ....they formed dwellings ...not out of a commercial drive ....but well I guess that sitting around in damp caves or just the raw elements can get a little depressing .... I know I have tried both So some innovators come up with these settlements .... And decide to link them with others using still the same mud and trees you find lying around .....why ? Well guess your nieghbour might have silver in their mud ....or wheat instead of trees .....or whatever So you have this high street that innovators built have merchants and tradespeople turning raw material into things Maybe some of those things are desirable .....or better yet ....useful .....maybe even both Then there is this new guy ....or girl ... That says they can organize all of the finer points ...of all that has transpired quite naturally anyway .....for a fee of course These are what I call the percentage people ....and unfortunately their way of conducting business has become so ridiculously acceptable seems no one sees the common theme here So when twitter send me e mail saying ....oh mr valerio we want to help you reach a bigger audience .... You are a fucking liar !!! You see the reason people start going to the high street that they can get a wider choice from a collaborative source of producers than they can personally produce at home ...or in the garden The reason they start going to high streets further afield is simply .....variety ..... The exceptional choice .... The option of finding something useful or beautiful ....that they cannot get from the high street at home If there is nothing of interest ....if there is nothing useful or beautiful rarity .....then people will simply no longer go there Regardless of how super convenient or super megalithic your market place is ..... This is where democracy really functions .....with the individuals commercial choices ......why is there a tesco ...or an albert heijn on every corner it for my convenience ??.....or the convenience of the over sized grotesque that has become our consumerist culture ....that would be better losing money from a none profitable store ...than allowing an opening in the market for the option if a healthier competition So social media ....I see the planned trajectory of all this ..... You want to over inflate each digital market ....until a billion assholes all vying for that last little bit of existing trade can't understand why they are no longer getting suitable exposure in a growing crowd if traders....but reducing customers .... Induce them into a mania ... Tell them that for a small fee they can have the preferential treatment .....get 50% of these assholes to sign up to this promotion idea .....just as planned obsolescence renders it completely redundant the launch of the latest app ......what a fucking farce So no face book and twitter have it all backwards .... If you want to prolong the life ...of your soulless digitized enterprise ..... Then you will need items .....ideas .....and personalities that will maintain an interest in what you originally were media The same is true of the labour market ...... Students and interns .....completely devalued the notion of the valued employee ..... You know an actual skilled and experienced individual . Mortgagees inflating the housing market to catastrophic ends ..... Yes yes I know your parents can help cause they made some money in property they are downsizing assist in paying your eduction ... .which used to be free ....covered by the state as an investment in the future state ...... By taxes ...... Ever heard the term money for old rope ..... Well I can't believe we are still buying the same ....slightly alternately branded .....' The slightly less than new rope investment opportunity for those not liable to be liable ' ......and this is a generation that kept telling us that we would have to grow up and take responsibility ...... 30 pieces of silver or the cheese in a mouse trap ....and the only way you can make it feel like a good deal by dragging us over the same damn cliff ....with assurances if the property ladder .... A term first coined by that wonderful humanitarian ....margaret fucking thatcher Is it not so obvious that we are attempting to recycle the very land we live on ....for over inflated prices no genuine craftsmen traders or merchants can possibly subsist a rental habit of this nature For who ...well I see a breed of folks ....they seem to waddle about in crowds ..... Blue suits and brown shows ..... Covered in personal refinement product .....the bankers ...the politicians ..... The estate agents ....the percentage people .... Who have nothing to sell but the promise of maximizing your potential ...... In short .....vermin A group that through too many middle class comforts have become completely complacent .....completely interned..... Completely accepting if the idea that a touch screen and a mocha ...can be the 'tools' of any trade Not only can this not continue has to be stopped ..... Non participation .....might actually be the key x Or how about lemmings we whip ourselves into frenzy over a failing economy ....that might well have actually been completely fictitious ....well certainly since the 70s at least But what do I know ![]() |
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Big Reveiw T.V
oh dear what can I say .......
well its wonderful to know that in a tiny place like London you can find stuff like a Bakers that do ' artisan ' bread ...and even a Hair Salon ... that does well you know hair ...
which is it going to be ... should we all be delighted that some great big corporation have assembled a team of worldly twenty something year old salary secure little bitches ( men and/or women ) and have suddenly taken a interest in the small business owner on the high street ?
or should we all be completely disgusted that once again we have been fooled .... I have been watching a few things today ...well it is a Sunday as well as a new years day ... so as well as producing immaculate hand rendered images ... trying to reclaim the word artisan ..... and designing a few buildings ..... trying to offer some value to the word genius again!! and in doing so ... I kind of get the feeling that some one in middle management who couldn't get their daughter into anything prime time ... came up with this little gimmick .... and its all very trendy ... very nice ..... very skinny jeans and beard .. but no axe ... and if you are anything like me then the whole thing stinks as bad as a coca cola advert.
I don't have a problem with the people in London having access to.....o.k sure if they want to call it 'artisan' bread to justify the extra pound twenty that it will cost over your usual loaf ..... I don't mind if they have access to bread ... or Italian hair products .... or any of the other things these people need to justify the sorry state of their day.
I would prefer if they grew the fucking wheat themselves .... or at least a portion of it at least .... and same with the coffee ... and grapes ... and milk ... and all of those lovely naturally sourced fair traded Himalayan salt / coconut oils .... or Ethiopian goats cheese ..... I am spending quite a lot of time at the moment in this ridiculous monument to its own arrogance that is London Town .... and aside from absolutely loathing the place ( literally it takes me about 1-2 hours in this place before I start considering getting myself tested for torretts syndrome ) and you know what you should do .... we should run a national advert .. not one of these fucking lovely local ... keep it in the community adverts .... we need a great big government sponsored add ... that simply says London : although you might not notice at first ... we have more than coffee franchises and Old Money so don't bulldoze us just yet ..... although I am sure you know where my vote sits for that already
so just fuck right off ..... stop trying to rebrand yourself as some grass roots champion of the people
right now we need thinkers and we need farmers .... and that is about it!! anyone reading this that thinks they might be able to offer some respite for the world ... by carrying on , erm carrying on .... or worse if you are attempting to emulate or perpetuate the colossal failings of the previous generation !! if you are a student attempting to ' improve ' the prospects of your own directionless assholery by paying a fortune for a worthless education whilst taking a few shifts in some grotesque coffee franchise , or some ridiculous middle management type that has resigned themselves to working in some non tax paying corporate edifice ... be that public or private , so that you one day might be able to afford your own little middle class off grid personal paradise ( which seems to be the common consensus ) ....I am afraid that you are so grossly misinformed as to perhaps actually be one of the most dangerous creatures in the world !!! happy fucking new year !!!
well its wonderful to know that in a tiny place like London you can find stuff like a Bakers that do ' artisan ' bread ...and even a Hair Salon ... that does well you know hair ...
which is it going to be ... should we all be delighted that some great big corporation have assembled a team of worldly twenty something year old salary secure little bitches ( men and/or women ) and have suddenly taken a interest in the small business owner on the high street ?
or should we all be completely disgusted that once again we have been fooled .... I have been watching a few things today ...well it is a Sunday as well as a new years day ... so as well as producing immaculate hand rendered images ... trying to reclaim the word artisan ..... and designing a few buildings ..... trying to offer some value to the word genius again!! and in doing so ... I kind of get the feeling that some one in middle management who couldn't get their daughter into anything prime time ... came up with this little gimmick .... and its all very trendy ... very nice ..... very skinny jeans and beard .. but no axe ... and if you are anything like me then the whole thing stinks as bad as a coca cola advert.
I don't have a problem with the people in London having access to.....o.k sure if they want to call it 'artisan' bread to justify the extra pound twenty that it will cost over your usual loaf ..... I don't mind if they have access to bread ... or Italian hair products .... or any of the other things these people need to justify the sorry state of their day.
I would prefer if they grew the fucking wheat themselves .... or at least a portion of it at least .... and same with the coffee ... and grapes ... and milk ... and all of those lovely naturally sourced fair traded Himalayan salt / coconut oils .... or Ethiopian goats cheese ..... I am spending quite a lot of time at the moment in this ridiculous monument to its own arrogance that is London Town .... and aside from absolutely loathing the place ( literally it takes me about 1-2 hours in this place before I start considering getting myself tested for torretts syndrome ) and you know what you should do .... we should run a national advert .. not one of these fucking lovely local ... keep it in the community adverts .... we need a great big government sponsored add ... that simply says London : although you might not notice at first ... we have more than coffee franchises and Old Money so don't bulldoze us just yet ..... although I am sure you know where my vote sits for that already
so just fuck right off ..... stop trying to rebrand yourself as some grass roots champion of the people
right now we need thinkers and we need farmers .... and that is about it!! anyone reading this that thinks they might be able to offer some respite for the world ... by carrying on , erm carrying on .... or worse if you are attempting to emulate or perpetuate the colossal failings of the previous generation !! if you are a student attempting to ' improve ' the prospects of your own directionless assholery by paying a fortune for a worthless education whilst taking a few shifts in some grotesque coffee franchise , or some ridiculous middle management type that has resigned themselves to working in some non tax paying corporate edifice ... be that public or private , so that you one day might be able to afford your own little middle class off grid personal paradise ( which seems to be the common consensus ) ....I am afraid that you are so grossly misinformed as to perhaps actually be one of the most dangerous creatures in the world !!! happy fucking new year !!!
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Underlying Eroticism
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'Why Knot'
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Amsterdam Land 2016
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because needs must as the devil drives
The Tiffany Gallery
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East looe Cornwall since 1982 Artby Valerio U.K H.Q since 2006
Cornish Art ....Cornish Artists ..2008
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the Invest in Real Art Campaign vs the corporate monsters
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' if bush was bud ...even I wouldnt smoke it '
From the humble origins..
![From the humble origins..](
The Arts Hole Cornwall /on tour 2004
'Most Days 12- 5 ish'
!['Most Days 12- 5 ish'](
open unless closed ... depending on which country I am in x
Pause for a Thought
The Valerio institute for Alternative Learning since 2011
Taking Stock
St Ives
So What do you do for a living ?
Running at full production Art Galleries ,Museums,Universities,Zoo's ....
Tiny Artby
![Tiny Artby](
So ...How long have you been doing this ?
The Daily Grind
Many people I speak to assume that being an Artist is all very nice .... generally because great aunt murial paints and she is always going off on little artists retreats and whatnot! or its the stark opposite , people think that you have to live in squalor and be stark raving mad! truth is there are components of both in my existence x
101 Reasons to Choose a Vocation in the Creative Industries
A series of Autobiographical Cartoons : In - Steadman x